By toomuchmetal - 24/06/2009 19:17 - United States

Today, I was in line at a checkout. I have quite a few facial piercings and 1/2" gauges in my ears. The very heavy cashier asks how big my gauges are and then starts telling me about how she recently got her clitoris pierced and how sometimes she has orgasms behind the register. FML
I agree, your life sucks 542
You deserved it 86

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A few years later, that cashier will have lost most of her senses down there and will probably need a jackhammer to her clit in order to get off. Shame. :-(


Well, if she was ugly then I understand the FYL, but if she was just overweight, it's not that big a deal, kind of hot, actually.

I'm all for personal expression, and commend you for having more cahoneys than me to dress how you want to, but you shouldn't be surprised if freaky things start happening to you when you insist on dressing like a freak. If you want normal things in your life, perhaps you should dress that way. You know that saying "Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want." Same principle. Dress for the life you want; don't be surprised when the life you dress for isn't what you expected. YDI.

having piercings doesn't make someone a "freak". I feel sorry for you that you are so close-minded and judgemental, you must have a very sad existence

...ehm. Facial piercings usually means "different" and "wild" and usually "freaky" ... just saying. It does not mean "nothing strange will EVER happen around ME!" ... so yeah. Edit: Also, "don't be surprised when the life you dress for isn't what you expected" doesn't apply if you dress for the way you want to live. Because then, it's just a "what the HELL?" type of situation. Just saying. Word it better next time lol.

No. 110: No, it doesn't make someone a freak, and I dare you to find anywhere in my comment where I did call the OP a freak. I did say that the OP dresses like one, and that is what the rest of the world assumes when somebody sees piercings and gauges in somebody's face. It's all about the social status quo. I don't give two ***** how some people dress, but most people make assumptions based purely on the way you are dressed. If I run around town naked, that may be my right of self-expression, but the assumptions people make about my personality after seeing me running around town naked is completely deserved because I know the assumptions people would make about the outfit I chose. Get off your ******* high horse and don't put words in my mouth. OP posted a few dozen words condemning a person openly talking about their orgasms. The only freak in this scenario is ******-girl. I have no idea who OP is and wouldn't dare call him or her a freak. The truly ironic thing is that I was condemning the girl in the OP's story for making an assumption on how he was dressed. I don't give two ***** about how OP dressed - in fact, if you read my first post, the very first thing I said was a commendation to the OP for dressing how he or she wants. It's the rest of the world who is close-minded, and that actually pisses me off more than anything else. I'm just posting facts about how society works. Comprehension skills, love. Get them or shut up.

sorry #171, I have a number of piercings, but I dress very respectfully and professionally. Just because one has piercings (facial or otherwise) and tattoos, doesn't mean that they automatically dress like a freak. In fact, most people would never suspect me of having any piercings if it weren't for the ones on my face. You're generalizing for assuming that just because someone is pierced, they dress "like a freak".

I am generalizing, but not the way that you say I am. I am not generalizing for assuming that anybody who has piercings dresses like a freak. That's because I don't assume that. Perhaps I was unclear the three times I've already stated that. I AM generalizing for assuming that people who see someone with piercings or tattoos will assume that that person is a freak. I am generalizing about the people who make generalizations about body-modders. That was the point of my original post: do and wear what you want, but society will treat you in a certain way for it. When I said "...when you insist on dressing like a freak," that was perhaps a bit too short of me. That was intended to mean that the social perception is that you're dressed like a freak. I thought that, given the context of the argument I was making (and the condemnation of social ideals towards body-modders), that I could streamline my thought process down a bit to save everyone a bit of reading time. I guess I was wrong.

you dont wear "gauges" in your ears. there is no such thing as "gauges". you wear plugs/tunnels/eyelets etc. it always astounds me when modified people don't know what the hell they are talking about. you would think if you've stretched your own earlobes you would know the correct terminology and not make yourself look like a retard by saying "gauges". and that's right, you stretch your earlobes, you don't "gauge" them. seriously, I can understand cleanskins using the wrong terminology but if you're actually modified you should know better.

Gillypants 3

omg THANK you. i can't ******* stand it when people say they're "gauging" their ears or they have "gauges" i'm like... GAUGE IS NOT AN ACTION WORD. IT IS A UNIT OF MEASUREMENT. WTFFFF

exactly what i was going to say, thank you!

Finally! I can't believe it took over 100 comments for someone to get it right. It's alright to say gauges when referring to the size, because it means size. but it in no way means plugs or stretching. If you're pierced you should know what they're called, period.

I will taunt 85 all I want for expecting other people to do his google searches. Willful ignorance should never be tolerated. No. 85, go do a ******* google search for this shit. Or better yet, ask your parents or guardians. And once they're done explaining, demand to know why it's taken them 16 years to tell you this shit.

dk_fml 0

TMI for sure, no matter how hot someone is. It's a store! And holy shit, really, #108? Chill out, she probably just said gauges because otherwise most people wouldn't know what she was talking about!

If she was really worried about getting people to understand her, she would have said "stretched ears." That's probably the most common terminology for it. Saying she "has gauges" just means lack of knowing body modification terminology.

Okay, look on the bright side: you weren't the one who had to do the piercing.

Vernon_J 0

You should have warned us, that was very graphic.