By SomeoneElse - 14/07/2009 13:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I was in a music shop looking for a new guitar when someone called out someone else's name and jumped on my back. I lost balance and fell forward and broke 3 guitars and damaged another 6. The guy said "Sorry, thought you were someone else" and ran out. I now have to pay £2500. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 322
You deserved it 3 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

Did you beat him with the pieces of the guitars he made you smash?

I hate fuckheads like that, sorry dude, fyl


If the store doesn't have insurance, that's their problem. You have absolutely no legal responsibility for paying for those guitars.

This doesn't ring true. Clearly it wasn't your fault, so why should the store expect you to cover the damage? Situations like this are what insurance is for. Better call a lawyer....

i wouldnt have paid one penny... its not your fault you fell on them

i wouldnt have paid one penny... its not your fault you fell on them

sgaske 3

A big **** you to the 645 retards who pressed YDI on this.

Fisheyy 0

I'd drag his ass back there and make him pay!

YDI cause ur too much of a pussy to refuse to pay

srak 0

no you don't. they can make you pay that. I would sue their asses.

Refuse to pay and tell them to bill the guy who pushed you. Finding the person responsible is their problem, not yours. If they try to blame you then make it just as much a problem to get you to pay by refusing.

well, thats when you beat him and steal his wallet.