By SomeoneElse - 14/07/2009 13:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I was in a music shop looking for a new guitar when someone called out someone else's name and jumped on my back. I lost balance and fell forward and broke 3 guitars and damaged another 6. The guy said "Sorry, thought you were someone else" and ran out. I now have to pay £2500. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 322
You deserved it 3 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

Did you beat him with the pieces of the guitars he made you smash?

I hate fuckheads like that, sorry dude, fyl


sparxva 12

You don't owe the guitar store squat. It sounds like a good scam to peg the visiting tourist for some money. A store employee shouts some name, jumps on your back, breaks a few guitars. They tell you to pay for the breakage and you do -- great. You file a police report? No problem, they file an insurance claim. Maybe it was 9 guitars, maybe it was a few more... Sucker.

Thunderbender 2

You shoulda chased him the **** down.

EveryDayJackAss 0

THOSE POOR GUITARS!!!! shouldve fkin killed his ass for this horrible tradegy and 2500 euros? shit......that is definitely not cheap

Did the shop owner see that? You don't have to pay regardless.

sweeper17 0

i don't see how anyone can think you deserved this...ya that totally sucks for you

id run after the ****** beat him up and never EVER go to that store again

mathmaster112 0

geez don't u hate ppl who mistake you 4 someone else

Why do you have to pay? They don't have any evidence you broke them. Unless they have cameras, in which case they see what happened.