By SomeoneElse - 14/07/2009 13:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I was in a music shop looking for a new guitar when someone called out someone else's name and jumped on my back. I lost balance and fell forward and broke 3 guitars and damaged another 6. The guy said "Sorry, thought you were someone else" and ran out. I now have to pay £2500. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 322
You deserved it 3 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

Did you beat him with the pieces of the guitars he made you smash?

I hate fuckheads like that, sorry dude, fyl


you're an idiot. you don't have to. retard.

that really sucks. I remember i hung up a Jackson DK2 on a wall, 3 minutes later it came crashing down, luckily the store had insurance and didnt make me cover it, ironically i ended up getting a guitar just like it (except not broken) i am so careful when hanging up guitars now.

did he think u were someone else? or was he hired to do this

Holy shit. If they have security cameras, then get them to pull them and take a look. If they see you weren't at fault, there's no way you'll have to pay.

aquarius6 0

ask the owner to file an insurance claim, in the mean time find that guy and get rid ov him.

tonyspag 0

Why is it your fault? You shouldn't have to pay. Let that **** who jumped on you're back pay.

u are a dumfuck, sir. the pound is stronger than the dollar, perhaps $2800-$3000. Haven't done currency conversions in a long time so i might be of a little, but it is certainly not $2000. @OP: fyl indeed if u r in england there should be cameras, not that there aren't anywhere else but just saying, go ask the store.