By almost_a_pro - 23/04/2015 13:43 - Brazil - Rio De Janeiro

Today, I was home alone and tried to make some popcorn so I could watch a movie. Thirty minutes later, my parents came home and found me talking to the firemen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 088
You deserved it 9 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... How badly did you **** up popcorn to have the Fire Brigade at your home?!

Fires can be exciting as any movie & happens to go well with popcorn.


Don't feel bad, I set the stove on fire boiling water once. Whoops.

They my have been making popcorn in a popcorn machine or on the stove as well, don't always assume that it is microwaveable popcorn.

Anyone considered that s/he may have tried making popcorn on the stove? My microwave sucks at making popcorn so I use stove instead... And I'm sure it can catch fire if you aren't careful.

Yep, it's very possible to catch popcorn on fire on the stove. Pieces fly out of the pot, flame/heat is too high and you ignite the oil (never done that one, but I know a friend or two who have...) or you leave it too long trying to get those last kernels popped. Our microwave is good enough to do popcorn, but stovetop tastes much better anyway.

On the note of oil catching fire, during a school cooking lesson (not sure of the correct word for it, anyway) a classmate of mine made a... bomb. Oil and soy sauce on a pan at 300 degrees Celcius and the lid on... BOOM! I was lucky I didnt get hit with the liquid, some other classmates who were nearby did, though. The lid hit the goddamned ceiling. It was a big mess to clean up afterwards.

Very graphic description. Sorry for what happend to you.

I've never had the fire department called, but I have had stove-top popcorn fly out of the pot and end up in the burners on the stove. Surprising amount of smoke from something so small. Always make sure your lid is on tight. As for microwave popcorn, I don't bother with that crap anymore. Better to make stove-top popcorn with real melted butter and shredded cheese.

BaDumTsss_fml 23

How do you **** up popcorn you literally just have to put the bag in the microwave for like a minute or two

Unless you do it freshly and pop your own corn in a pan with oil.

I'm surprised by how many people assume it was made in a microwave. The first time I made popcorn with one of those microwave-bags was in my 20s! o_o (Thats also the first time I actually owned a microwave.)