By screwed - 29/05/2009 23:21 - United States

Today, I was hit by a truck while walking to school. It was the driver's fault as I was in a crosswalk. My parents met me at the hospital where I had minor injuries. They began discussing what the insurance money would be spent on. They decided on a second honeymoon to Las Vegas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 841
You deserved it 3 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RighteousDiego 0

You know, even if you're a minor (guessing here), you CAN sue your parents if they use the money for anything that isn't used DIRECTLY for your own well-being.

Awww...they really love you. Now you have no reason to spend any hard earned money you make later in life on them! 8D


writerajere 0

Sorry man your parents suck, but I hate the way people treat insurance like the lottery.

U should ask for something, and if u don't get it sue them! That would Neva nice turn around!

If i were u, I'd call kids help phone, report them, and possibly kill them in thier sleep. then, if i didnt kil them, id prob just send them to a retirement home as revenge

That sucks alot.. But I don't get is how did you get hit by a truck and have minor injuries?.. o-o but yeah FYL

215statechamp 0

Fyl although spending the money is morally wrong it's the parents money unless he has his own seperate policy that he pays for.

Oh well, just remember you'll be the one that gets to choose their nursing home ;)

justanotherfan 0

that's when you tell your parents to **** off!!!

Ur parents r jackasses... Sorry... That sucks.... Well at least when they need help u know wat to say!!! NO!!! I'm going on vaca!!!!!!