By Anonymous - 07/08/2009 15:16 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. Halfway through he asked me what day it was. I told him, "Friday." He jumped up and ran over to the TV yelling, "Oh my God! Shark week is almost over!!" I was cock-blocked by the Discovery Channel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 796
You deserved it 8 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sharks: 1 You: 0 Discovery Channel FTW!

something41 0

I'd do the same thing he did. But still, that sucks.


You deserved it for using incorrect terminology. Ass hat.

shark week is the ruler of all TV and you know it!!!!!

xfrankenstienx 0

YDI,For forgetting to remind him about shark week.Stupid bitch.

You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals So lets do it like they do it on the discovery channel YDI for not knowing it was shark week

triplethreat13 0

what's with all the ****-blocking distractions on this website? the first one was funny so everyone else was feeding off of it and creating similar stories. wow people, have some imagination!

ericalew_xo 0

Shark Week is way more important than you. I've watched a lot of it.

CL41RE 0

Today, I went on to read about funny stories of how people ruined their lives. Instead, I got a bunch of sex fail stories. FML

I do beleive the term is "twat swatted"

luvluv_fml 0

after havin sex everyday, maybe 4 times a day, you got tired and anything else becomes more interesting

wickedgrl13 0

I get **** blocked all the time by my b/f's stupid obsession with Final Fantasy Online. Seriously. I don't get why that's better than sex. I even tried playing the game. It's terrible. The graphics suck