By dfhgblsf - 05/04/2009 19:15 - United States

Today, I was having sex with a girl I had just met. After about 5 minutes in, she said she had to go to the bathroom. So we stopped and she went to the bathroom. After waiting around 10 min, I decided to check if she was ok. The window was open. She was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 616
You deserved it 36 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have my doubts about this one. 1. Many bathroom windows don't open, and even i they do, they are way too small to crawl out of. 2. Are we supposed to believe that a girl crawled out the window of your home and left buck-ass naked? Wouldn't you know something was up if she collected all her clothes off your floor first? What about her keys/purse/etc? 3. Why wouldn't she just go out the door? This just makes no sense...

Wow, she actually used the window. She didn't take the front door route. That's intense.


mylifeisfuckeddd 0

so... how ugly are you? jk that really sucks. lol to #9! you never know!

yay i moderated this one! and people, she may not have left naked, she could have been having sex with most of her clothes still on. and its not that weird for girls to take their purses with them when they go to the bathroom, true he should have suspected something when she did that in the middle of sex but if he was that smart she wouldnt have climbed out the window!

i've seen this same story on this website so many times its not even funny anymore. its not even an fml because you don't know her so how does it affect you. if it was like "she left and stole 300 dollars and my phone" then it would be an fml. in this case its an fu for wasting my time.

thats why you ont have sex with random ppl. she probley walked away cause she felt bad she didnt tell you she has AIDS. sucks for your dumbass...

zebendyone 0

And that is why you don't have sex with people you just met. Cuz the other person won't care about you or your feelings. Or anything about you.

yeahreally 6

hmmm too many questions about this one..if true...ouch.