By happyharriet - 16/04/2009 02:32 - United States

Today, I was having a panic attack so I called my parents. My brother answered to say my parents couldn't come to the phone because they were watching 24. Its ten o'clock and 24 is not on now. They were watching 24 on TiVo and couldn't pause it to come to the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 750
You deserved it 5 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sammyg 0

i think Jack needs their support more then you, he is constantly in danger of death.

don't mess with anyone when its bauer hour


phxgoodgrl 0

WTF? What a loving family... Funny how once ur an "adult" ur parents stop thinking of u as needing their emotional support. I'm sry yo

Why would you think that your parents would want to pause their show just so they can talk to their fat daughter. Fat chicks suck. Go on a diet.

Fat chicks aren't the only one who have panic attacks. I used to have panic attacks reguarly and I'm technically underweight. It just means that they have problems. Not that you're fat.

rocker_chick23 27

How do you know OP is fat? My cousin is only 110 LBS and gets them a lot.

Lol. Technologicly challenged much??

pfff, you don't realise how addicting 24 is. I skipped out on a party once to watch it :) Then again, maybe they should have paused :P FYL

aww, want me to hold your bottle while you go cry about it? :D I Keed, lol

Wow that sucks. People like that disgust me. But I do have to ask - if you were having a panic attack, why didn't you call 911 instead of your parents?