By happyharriet - 16/04/2009 02:32 - United States

Today, I was having a panic attack so I called my parents. My brother answered to say my parents couldn't come to the phone because they were watching 24. Its ten o'clock and 24 is not on now. They were watching 24 on TiVo and couldn't pause it to come to the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 750
You deserved it 5 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sammyg 0

i think Jack needs their support more then you, he is constantly in danger of death.

don't mess with anyone when its bauer hour


Everyone knows that 24 ends at 10:00, which is when your panic attack started. Now be honest...Were you having a panic attacks b/c... 1) Jack is dying 2) Tony is a traitor 3) Kim is back and she's hot, for someone on 24 4) You're a lil girl

ozymandias_fml 0

#82 I think it is 4.... #83, see #82 for the correct list.

You know, maybe you just ride their asses to much with your problems. Neurotic people tend to get so obsessed with their own problems that they become completely isolated and self-absorbed. You might have just worn them out on your sympathy. Get some cognitive therapy and get on with it. Oh, and before I get blasted, I might want to add I used to have panic attacks and am currently working through OCD and I know I'm extremely annoying and neurotic.

dude panic attacks suck i feel your pain i have them check out my site

...24 is a very addicting show... but yeah, that sucks balls.

rko_fml 0

ha 24 is not interruptable, jack bauer is a BAMF

fcuk_mylife 0

sounds a lot like my dad and his wife..