By Anonymous - 07/07/2009 23:04 - United States

Today, I was going to propose to my girlfriend of 3 years. I got reservations for a romantic dinner, and at the end, fireworks would spell out my proposal. The whole thing had taken weeks to plan out and had cost me a lot of money. She proposed to me at a subway station first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 847
You deserved it 9 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

singer4life666 0

Atleast you two are going to get married though right?

Empleh 4

just because she did it first, doesn't mean you cant out do her LOL


You should dump that selfish bitch. :P Whaaa.

Hope you told her you wanted to do it your way and still did it...

missshortstack 0

I agree with #10. Id most like it if a guy proposed Sorry dude, atleast your still getting married, right?

I'm with you #9! Ok, it's a bit of a bummer since you spent so much money and all, but hey, at least you know she wants to marry you! And at the wedding you'll have a great story to tell!

I think this is terrible. He got proposed to at a subway station. But your girl is really forward, women should wait until proposed to

How old fashioned could you be? Woman can purpose it's not illeagal! Some men never purpose because their happy just living together but if you want to get married you should be able to do the purposing or atleast ask the guy if he thinks it would be a good idea to get married!

zzyzzyxx 0

Women. Propose. Illegal. They're.

xgogreen 0

yes it does matter, because the words 'propose' and 'purpose' have two distinctly seperate meanings

unibrowicorn 0

Okay,so,the spelling isn't fantastic, but no one needs to be a grammar nazi.It's the internet--no big deal. And anyway,who cares who proposes??You'll be married either way.

that's it...encourage the stupid to become more stupid. hu kneeds graimer newaze???

this same exact argument over purpose and propose just happened like a little bit up there ^^

And it was the same drop-out who caused it both times.

you_know_who10 0

i'm thinkin maybe she did it on purpose the second time=]

Gaaah. "It's the internet, it's no big deal..." People who aren't legasthenic should pay at least a bit of attention on correct grammar or at least correct spelling...even here. I mean, if you aren't able to write a text with correct spelling and grammar when there is this handy tool called "backspace"... And it's just annoying to read. Still, people who lament about every typo are equally annoying...

aaaaa12345_fml 0

agree with #189. personally it's annoying as **** to read shit like that.

Sure, it sucks you spent a lot of money, but you got engaged. Congrats!

Turn her down and stick to the plan. yeaah

I'm pretty sure if he turned her down she wouldn't go to dinner with him

no1askdu 5

shouldve purposed sooner...she prollly thought you were taking to long to pop the questions...

PEOPLE. it's PROpose. "purpose" means something different entirely.

Prawn_fml 2

I don't see why it means she thought he was taking too long. She could have just thought about it, found out she'd like to marry the guy, and then proposed. Either way, it's confirmation she'd say yes. I'm sure it was a nice evening, and it'll make for a great story later too, and something to bind you - you fit so well together you both proposed on the very same day! Not a FML. More like a my-life-rules.

the whole issue regarding "propose" vs "purpose" could just be a simple matter of the commenter not having english as their first language so they try to spell it phonetically (which is almost a mistake with any english word, though we still teach it to little kids anyways...) and they didn't use the french version of the site because they don't know french. probably not. just playing devil's advocate =)

See, this is where the whole "STFU, it's about love, not the proposal" thing comes in, same as it does to all the chicks who post on here, thinking their bf's proposal was of some second rate nature. Sucks to have wasted all the money and planning and whatnot, but you got what you wanted anyway.

I was thinking the same thing as number 18.