By *sigh* - 08/12/2015 22:56 - United Kingdom

Today, I confronted my friend about the £260 he owes me. He got offended and said, "Friends don't have to pay back." He called me selfish and walked off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 691
You deserved it 2 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you get your money back I wouldn't talk to that "friend" again if I were you, OP.

Be careful who you loan money too... Some friends may seem sincere, but there are many selfish people out there. Still hope your friend decides to do the right thing OP!


IvyChennyChen 21

A true friend would have never acted the way he did. You might seriously want to reconsider your choice in friends, OP. In the meantime, good luck getting your money back from that prick! =)

It sounds like you need to meet that guy who "used to run an illegal business", OP. Since 'friends don't break friends' legs', you need somebody to do it for you.

king hit the c*nt and take it from his wallet

When you get your money back I wouldn't talk to that "friend" again if I were you, OP.

mds9986 24

Doesn't sound like OP is getting it back though.

inflicting pain can always make people pay back.

Dreamsorrow93 24

Well seems like he isn't a friend now. So he must pay.

Be careful who you loan money too... Some friends may seem sincere, but there are many selfish people out there. Still hope your friend decides to do the right thing OP!

sounds like he's more of a best friend

Kinda YDI for having such a friend and giving him such a high amount.... Also FYL because you might need it. Kinda been there. I preferred to lose the money and ditch the "friend".

I've had friends I've loaned a lot more than that. The fact that you use the term "loan" hints at the fact that you expect it back. If you don't get it back, consider it a cheap price for finding out what he's really like. Just wait until he needs to borrow money again and remind him about his outstanding balance.

leogachi 15

Friends don't have to be asked, to pay back. Drop him like a bad habit and take this as a lesson. Friends and money don't mix.