By LonelyBoy - 01/02/2011 13:05 - Australia

Today, I was going through the history on my computer. Apparently, while I was at school my mother used my computer, and I now know my mother wants to learn how to make her breasts look larger, amongst other things. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 165
You deserved it 3 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Amongst other things eh? "How to deep throat?" "How to do anal with a European girl?" "How to toss the salad without your husband knowing?"


nothing ever good comes from looking at your history or anyone elses

youfailed18 0

She must be having a mid-life crisis.

Amongst other things eh? "How to deep throat?" "How to do anal with a European girl?" "How to toss the salad without your husband knowing?"

perdix 29

That's not so bad. If she were looking to hook up for some anonymous añal at a truck stop, that would be alarming.

So your mom wants bigger boobs. How does this have anything to do with you? Grow up maybe?

It's one of those "way too much info" moments.

kasumii 1

I hate it when people touch my computer, so I'd say FML too. But you have school in the summer? That must suck.

whats the big deal? she just wants to make herself happy, and maybe no sorry i mean definately your dad would like it... just because shes your mom doesnt mean that she can't look good.. everyone wants to look good for someone.. shes a grown woman let her do what she wants.. and no matter what age someone is they still strive to look their best and keep themselves in good shape.

Alright Gok! Lol joke, couldn't agree more!

it's the whole to much info bit I'd say is the fml