By Noname - 04/02/2009 23:04 - United States

Today, I discovered my mom has over 20 sites bookmarked on her laptop, all having to do with 'How To Boost Your Insecure Teen's Confidence' or 'How To Help Your Overweight Teen Have A Positive Self Image'. Thanks, Mommy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 667
You deserved it 7 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dr_Phil 0

Dude, your mom is trying to help you. You're obviously incredibly insecure if this makes you think your life sucks. Not happy with your weight? Exercise and eat properly. Get off your ass and set your life in the direction you want it to go in.

Heyyyyy, wake up!! I get it must be really shitty she has to look those things up in the first place and for you to find them, but I wish wish wish my mum would want to make that kind of effort for me!! Your mum is involving herself in your life and caring about you, very lucky indeed! If she wasn't and you had to deal with whatever problems you have on your own, trust me, things would only be more lonely and frustrating, it's not nice.


change all those links to ****, but keep the original names

lipfullacope 0

lol you look hammered drunk in your pic

Dr_Phil 0

Dude, your mom is trying to help you. You're obviously incredibly insecure if this makes you think your life sucks. Not happy with your weight? Exercise and eat properly. Get off your ass and set your life in the direction you want it to go in.

mcxhunni 0

i read that and i was "reminds me of Dr Phil!" then i saw your name O.o mind=blown

Heyyyyy, wake up!! I get it must be really shitty she has to look those things up in the first place and for you to find them, but I wish wish wish my mum would want to make that kind of effort for me!! Your mum is involving herself in your life and caring about you, very lucky indeed! If she wasn't and you had to deal with whatever problems you have on your own, trust me, things would only be more lonely and frustrating, it's not nice.

Agreed. I suffer from severe depressive episodes, & I'd have loved it if my mother had taken the time to talk to me & find out what's wrong. Your mother obviously loves you. Why else would she be looking up ways to help you with your self-esteem? As for the whole weight issue... Maybe she's worried that your insecurity stems from how you perceive your own body. Or maybe you're a little on the large side. Either way, I would advise you to sit down & talk to your mum - apologise for snooping through her links, thank her for being concerned, & then open up from there. She wants to help you out. :)

LMAO. let me read this and then went to the freezer for that gallon of your favorite comfort food. Your mom is trying to help, but that's not possible when you won't help yourself.

I totally agree with most commenters about your mom. Yes, it wasn't very flattering to discover those bookmarks, but look at the other side - she really wants to help you. Try to move towards you mother and be more grateful :)

Cantexplain1234 0

Your mom's trying to help, it's your f-ing fault you let yourself go and then got depressed about it, "no one likes me im fat but im not gonna do shit about it im just gonna call it unfair and blame it on somethibg dumb". Thanks mommy is right you ungrateful bio***

There could be more than one reason a person is over weight. Don't jump to conclusions when you don't know the full story.

Your mother cares about you, which is a positive thing. I almost agree with #1, but sex will not boost your self esteem.

Yeah, sleeping around is not the way to go. And sex is only really worth it if it's with someone you love & trust, & if you feel emotionally ready for it.

MukyDaCookie 0

#24, I will fight you to the death with a rabbid ferret as a weapon for #2's heart