By rockstarohyeah - 02/07/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, I was given the best news of my life. I am cancer free and am not, at the ripe age of 23 going to bite the dust. My husband left his journal on the nightstand in our bedroom. He wrote, "I feel like a bad person, but if she dies, I don't have to get divorced." FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 002
You deserved it 4 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aww im sorry but congrats on the no cancer!!!!

well congratulations on the news!!! :) at least you have your whole life ahead of you to find a new man.


What kind of man keeps a ******* journal? if he was going to divorce you, it was probably so he could show more love to the ****.

Trooth 13

Wow that's so mean. Leave him immediately.

jabs03 0

He probably wants to divorce you because he is gay...don't know many men that keep a journal....openly.

1. great hubby 2. YDI for marrying a gay guy that keeps a journal 3.FYL for what he said. hes probably leaving you for a guy FYI

To be fair, if you got married at 23 and he's already gonna divorce you, you weren't even close to ready. Marriages in theory is supposed to last your whole life. YDI for that, possibly a bit FYL because he was so blunt, but on the other hand... That's why people aren't as blunt to other people, because not everyone is rude, but to your journal you can be however blunt and rude about others you want. That's a bit of the point.

If he keeps a journal you should divorce him.

ericavel 0

Don't read other peoples journals, bitch. ...wait..... Your husband has a journal?

23 is such a reasonable age to commit to someone, especially when you might have a terminal illness. sure, he might be a dick, but on the flip side, why does he have to keep his journal locked up and hidden away so that his nosy bitch of a wife won't read it? no wonder he wants to divorce you, he probably can't do anything without you breathing down his neck wondering what he's doing. you're 23, get a ******* grip.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Wow. That's taking douchebaggery to a whole new level. but congrats on the remission! :D I wish you well (: ♥ as for that fucktart (aka your husband) divorce his ass, get some big money in it, and go have the time of your life! you're 23, healthy, and you can have some fun xD