By bahhumbug - 21/12/2015 18:25 - United States - Seattle

Today, I received three big boxes from my mother in law, containing expensive cookware. I was puzzled, because I know that she hates me. Turns out she mailed them to us by mistake. Not only did she not get us anything, but I now have to pay to ship the boxes to her neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 131
You deserved it 1 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I say act like you never received anything in the first place (; "what ever do you mean pots and pans? we got nothing"

Why would she mail them to her neighbour? Seems weird that she couldn't just have brought them next door herself...


I say act like you never received anything in the first place (; "what ever do you mean pots and pans? we got nothing"

Nonsense, The only practical thing to do here is to hold them hostage for 50% face value. "Oh, you want me to ship them for you huh? What a coincidence, because I happen to want $200!!!"

zeffra13 31

It's probably a bit late to pretend OP doesn't know about it as she already spoke to MIL. But yes, OP shouldn't have to pay for shipping.

here's a good question....why is she shipping them to her NEIGHBOR in the first place. lol

Dont send them back.. if you were a savage

I'm sorry OP, hopefully it didn't cost too much. atleast she didn't send you an envelope full of glitter.

Bandicoot88 16

Why would anyone ever send that?

Because people deserve to be fabulous. Especially those we hate.

countryb_cth 38

Because glitter is the herpes of the craft world and it's always fun to watch people we don't like suffer.

#7 people do send it, my aunt will do it on purpose so whenever we open a card glitter flies everywhere without warning so now we open her cards over a trash can.

That's an idea for OP. Merry Christmas, MIL!

Cook with them, put them in the box unwashed, wait for when the neighbors get the gift >:D

I don't think she should do that. Only because it would be rude to the neighbor and she doesn't know them.

but the neighbors would think that the mother in law is the one that sent them dirty.

That's kinda the point. You make the neighbor hate the mother to make a point.

I'm not shipping them back if you hate me you can come get them sorry

Why would she mail them to her neighbour? Seems weird that she couldn't just have brought them next door herself...

The only thing I can figure is they were purchased online and direct (mis)shipped to OP. edit- Or like #42 said, a big **** you for Festivus.

MonstreBelle 29

43- OP should just hold onto them. Their mother-in-law has to come to Festivus dinner and tell OP all the ways they have disappointed her over the past year anyway


Many stores offer free shipping if you spend so much money.


Probably couldn't cause she was a fat whale.

I'd really want to know "why" you have to pay for the shipping you weren't the one who mailed to the wrong person? If that old bat wants the stuff back have her come pick it up and mail it again to the right person don't let that old hag bully you...

Yeah I mean really, what's she gonna do, hate you more? I'd file it under 'not your problem'.

I know for me, I'd return to sender and wait for her jerk of a mother in law to see she received a refund to figure it out. Generally they don't charge for it to go back to where it came from.

I feel like this was on purpose. Mailing to your neighbor just seems unnecessary.

THANK YOU! This should have been in the first comment! Makes me think the MIL is doing some dodgy stuff here.

They were probably ordered online as a gift for the neighbors and intended to be shipped directly to them.