By The fat and the ugly - 27/10/2011 18:56 - Finland

Today, I was getting out of the shower, when my boyfriend decided to ask, "Did your boobs get smaller, or did you just gain weight around them?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 125
You deserved it 5 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have said the same thing about his dick.

"well , did ur dick get smaller, or am I thinking of my ex- boyfriend?"


SalsaShark 2

But there still soft so it's all good

kayd0890 0

why do men have to be such asshole ! women are smarter and more understanding then men and we have proved it over and over ! i mean we dont ask them ? like is your dick getting smaller are u gaining weight !!!!

Act like one of the guys and that's what you become.

You need a new boyfriend! I wonder if his penis has gotten smaller or if it looks that way because his belly is getting larger?

@163 I respect your opinion but I find what you said was extremely sexist and as a matter of fact a lot of females have ridiculed me due to my penis size. Sexism goes both ways.

ifinsane 6

Do be mad it was probably just one of those moments where he was just thinkin out load.

I was thinking the same, and i really don't get why people tell OP to dump him if it was me i would have said something about his dick or something like that and then laugh about it! Lifes to short to get upset about such small problems!.. :)

I know im gonna get thumped down for this comment! But maybe he was just REALLY asking.. Or maybe it was a hint to start exersicing

Watta ass hole ! Kick his dick and show him what really got smaller then ;)