By The fat and the ugly - 27/10/2011 18:56 - Finland

Today, I was getting out of the shower, when my boyfriend decided to ask, "Did your boobs get smaller, or did you just gain weight around them?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 125
You deserved it 5 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have said the same thing about his dick.

"well , did ur dick get smaller, or am I thinking of my ex- boyfriend?"


bubo_fml 10

When in doubt, always go for the tried & true, obligatory penis size retaliatory insult...

nebo98 1

Or better than kick his ass, his balls?

Next time you see him naked you should ask him did you dick get smaller or did you gain weight around it

Next time you see him naked you should ask him did you dick get smaller or did you gain weight around it

lucyinthesky420 10

I don't understand... If you gained weight, your boobs would get larger, not smaller. O.o

pere 11

You should have looked him in the eyes and said, "I dunno babe, did your penis shrink or has it always been that small?"