By The fat and the ugly - 27/10/2011 18:56 - Finland

Today, I was getting out of the shower, when my boyfriend decided to ask, "Did your boobs get smaller, or did you just gain weight around them?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 125
You deserved it 5 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have said the same thing about his dick.

"well , did ur dick get smaller, or am I thinking of my ex- boyfriend?"


No, because a b cup is a handful and a D cup is what you go brrrrrrrrrrr in.

McAninch35 9

One mans trash is another mans treasure

lexy07 0

Haha what Did u want the answer to be ? Lol

Lol I think the answer is definitely : " I just gained weight around them ". ;)

jdog1231 0

or he has no penis and doesn't want to admit it

1991j 4

those are signs of him telling you your "FAT"!!!!

It's probably his vision that is getting worse

Guys don't have a filter so 99% of the time they don't think what they're saying is rude and or insulting! Don't feel bad!