By Anonymous - 10/05/2015 13:47 - United States

Today, I was feeling pretty, so I wore a skirt for the first time in years. Two hours later, my thighs hurt from slapping together so much. I no longer feel pretty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 657
You deserved it 5 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey you should still feel pretty!!! It doesn't matter your size, that happens to several people even if they're the skinniest person you've ever laid eyes on.

I've heard that a plain stick of deodorant can help with chafing etc... You go rock that skirt!


Some short bike shorts can also help as well as the other stuff people mentioned. Don't let this dent your confidence. I bet you looked cute as hell.

You're still beautiful. Size does not matter. Don't let anybody tell you different.

Seldom do thighs avoid contact while walking. 'Tis completely natural and it should not hinder your perception of self-beauty. I know about these things, I'm a ferret.

Mine don't make contact?! I'm abnormal ?! Was expecting more skinny/fat shaming comments on here though, but the FML crowd are just full of helpful advice and comforting compliments. I like you guys, you're a nice group of commenters.

You are very slim with a bone structure that has your legs set wider apart than average. You belong to the minority of women that do have a natural thigh gap when slim. Most women don't have that and/or aren't that slim, so thighs touch/rub when walking. As long as you're not starving yourself to be so slight: you are still completely normal, and lucky that your body type is in fashion right now!

Don't let something so small make you feel less beautiful than you really are, OP.

Since it bothers you, perhaps some research into an activity that could assist you in fixing your issue may be required.

"Hello, I'm most of fml and the gym is my mortal enemy, don't oppress me with suggesting basic fitness levels" You down voters are obese AF

- we don't even know if op is morbidly obese, as it's common for your thighs to touch at even a healthy weight level . However I will say that I'm tired of people pretending that being morbidly obese is attractive , and that suggesting that these people hit the gym is cruel. You're not fooling anyone. Don't believe me? Why don't you go bang one of these people . Oh you won't ? Interesting . Aesthetics aside , it's unhealthy and puts a crazy level of stress on your heart at that level of fat .

MzZombicidal 36

Well that comment took a turn.

I think you are understanding the comments. They may seem blunt but the fact is a post was put on a public forum by a person identifying they believe there is an issue with their body. That's awesome, if you believe you have a problem and you are not happy then don't just complain, take charge of the situation and do something about it.

37, there is a huge gap between "so slim your thighs don't touch" and "morbidly obese", and in that spectrum are all kinds of body types from "slim, but bottom heavy", curvy, more or less chubby etc. that can be very attractive if put in pretty and fitting clothes. Also, there are people out there that find "morbidly obese" attractive and would happily take such women to bed, but they are fetishists and clearly a small minority.

At times people can have slim thighs but also very slender hips, putting their thin limbs still in the proximity of each other. Happens more than you think.

ironik69 31

MOST people don't have the "thigh gap." Even the celebrities that appear to have them have been outted that they photoshopped it in. Being a big girl myself, I say, wear whatever you want honey. If it's actually painful, don't do it. You don't have to be tiny or anything to be beautiful.

Why do you say big girl? If you're trying to say you're comfortable with it just say it. Overweight, perhaps obese? You're not comfortable if you don't actually own it.

34- Got a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth, huh? No need to be rude, buddy. She looks great.

Because big doesn't necessarily mean overweight. "Overweight" doesn't even necessarily mean overweight because when society judges that by a one-size-fits-all BMI calculation (especially when said calculation changed in 1998 due heavily to studies funded by companies promoting diet pills, making millions of people "overweight" overnight). People can be large boned. People can be medium boned and have muscle that makes them bigger. People can be small boned and have larger thighs while being slender everywhere else. There is nothing wrong with someone proudly calling themselves a "big girl"- especially when terms like fat, overweight, and obese are thrown around as insults to anyone who isn't as slender as what's depicted on magazine covers. Perhaps without such negative connotations people might be inclined to describe themselves as such. And maybe, just maybe, people in better emotional health from not being insulted daily would be more inclined and capable of making healthier lifestyle choices. And frankly, until someone is clearly, visibly morbidly obese and in need of additional health care, they're not going to add to your taxes. So if we all really care that someone with a booty a bit too big for our liking is deathly unhealthy, let's start contributing donations to their health insurance. Because we want to make a difference regarding such an important issue, right?

MzZombicidal 36

Okay, but why the hell does it matter what she calls herself? If she's more comfortable with sayin she's a big girl, then she's a big girl and shouldn't be bugged about it. I'll never understand how so many people make someone else's body type and weight THEIR business or THEIR issue. Big girl wants to wear a bikini in the sweltering heat of summer because it's HOT and suddenly so many people want to throw out their opinion on health. Okay, so since you can visibly see their issues you suddenly want to judge? They don't walk up to you and say "hey, stop drinking so much soda! That's unhealthy!" Shut your damn mouth and leave people alone. Their body is none of your business.

noonenoeone 22

Wow you are deluded! I see the straws you were grasping at, but you missed by a wide margin. Do you know what % of our population is overweight (not talking overweight based on BMI, just overweight)? Do you think all of these people are happy with themselves and the only reason they're fat is because someone else was negative about their size? People are negative about being fat because it is a not a positive characteristic in any facet! Being nicer to the obese and handling their feelings with kid gloves is by far the worst possible solution. I don't know why you started talk about taxes, money must be a main source of your stressors, but the truly obese are a drain on our economy and healthcare system. Premiums are set based on the average need/utility, if more people are overweight their need is higher thus we pay higher premiums for the same coverage we would need if everyone was normal. I'd even be willing to wager that the majority of obese people fall into the sub-50k/year income bracket...and by majority I mean 2/3rds. I would seriously wager 5k at 1:1 that this is true of all Americans considered obese.

I'm not deluded; I'm simply not a stupid enough or hateful enough person to believe whatever biased information news and media outlets attempt to feed to me. I don't know exactly what percentage of our society is overweight, because I don't keep a device to measure the body fat of everyone I meet on my person. I do know that the percentages regarding the overweight and obese are mainly influenced by BMI calculations. Without the use of BMI, can you give me an unmistakable calculation of how many people are overweight? No, I don't think all "those people" are happy with themselves, because society tells them they're not allowed to be. It takes an exceptionally strong willed and self actualized person to be confident in the midst of such heavy stigma- we are, after all, social creatures. The majority of people who say they don't care about others opinions are lying; even if said concern is limited to the subconscious. I don't believe the only reason people are "fat" is because others are negative about their size- but I know for a fact that overall physical health and the ability to become your healthiest self is greatly influenced by the quality of emotional health. Being cruel to heavier people is not going to improve their emotional health. I don't think you should handle their feelings with "kid gloves". It's not your place to handle their feelings at all. Why did I bring up taxes? Because that seems to be the main excuse shallow people use so they can feel better about themselves while putting others down. But thanks for calling me poor, in so many words. It's true, most of my family passed on and I was left to work two jobs day to day to support myself while closing two estates; but that's ok. I have a roof over my head and awesome people in my life that make me feel like the richest woman alive. If you're worried about the drain on our economy, however, perhaps you should blame the greed of the top 1% and the near extinction of the middle class for that. Back to the point of the FML- it's people with opinions like yours that keep worth directly correlated to weight, and assist people like the OP in feeling less confident simply because they have thighs that touch and rub. If you wish to discuss the issue further, please private message me, as I don't find it fair to continue clogging the comments section with my essays.

#113, first of all, i don't think you're using the word "complacent" right. you probably meant something else. secondly, i just love how concerned you sound. as if you actually give a shit about completely random people's health and wellbeing. honestly, don't lie to yourself and change the tune from "it's unhealthy and we need to save those poor lost souls" to "i think fat people look disgusting and deserve to be singled out for it" because most likely that's how you actually feel.

aver_ah_ree 7

Whatever makes you feel good should be all that matters?

It doesn't mean you aren't pretty! Just but on a pair of shorts or Spanx underneath next time.