By Anonymous - 10/05/2015 13:47 - United States

Today, I was feeling pretty, so I wore a skirt for the first time in years. Two hours later, my thighs hurt from slapping together so much. I no longer feel pretty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 657
You deserved it 5 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey you should still feel pretty!!! It doesn't matter your size, that happens to several people even if they're the skinniest person you've ever laid eyes on.

I've heard that a plain stick of deodorant can help with chafing etc... You go rock that skirt!


Hey deodorant helps with chafing and legging or spandex is always an option. You are pretty so why not feel pretty too, no after the size of your thighs

You could try wearing the thick top stay up stockings. Or, if you don't like the feeling of stockings, ever heard of Bandalettes? They're lace, and like the top of the Stay up thigh high stockings and they come in a bunch of colors. They help me a lot and they don't make you all sweaty and icky. Also they don't look bad if a little thigh shows from sitting down :)

Hey, a little extra weight is sometimes even more attractive to guys.

turdontoast 8

Weirdest sounding product ever, but use Anti-Monkey Butt. I wear skirts to work and every once in a while depending on the skirt I use it because mine get chaffed (and you don't have to be overweight or anything to suffer from chaffed thighs).

Anti-Monkey Butt Powder! I love the stuff. Aw, chub rub is the worst! I'm a big girl and it's my biggest pet peeve about my summer clothes.

The same thing happens to me, deodorant does help, so does lotion and baby powder.

Body Glide works better than baby powder or deodorant. It was invented for long distance runners specifically to combat body part friction. You can get it online.

Omg that's what kind of thighs a normal human woman has. Thigh gaps are disgusting and only for prepubescent girls or unhealthily skinny girls that never ever exercise. Please, don't feel bad. Boning a girl with no butt or thighs is like trying to hump a tree.

Ugh, people like you are the worst. What makes you think it's okay to shame skinny women as "prepubescent" and "unhealthily skinny"? I'm 20 and I have a natural thigh gap. I exercise 3-4 times a week. I eat a normal amount. I can't help being skinny, it's just the way I am. And as much as I'd like to come up with some witty and confident remark to reply to your comment, all I can say is that it actually really hurts my feelings when I see comments like these.

Hey, don't let that make you feel any less pretty. Beauty standards change over time, and with access to things such as photoshop, plastic surgery, and the internet, the current "standard" for beauty is unhealthy, and difficult to obtain. Go to any museum that has art from almost any point before the last 50 years or so (or just Google it), and you'll find that what was considered beautiful then is far different, and much more reasonable, than what is considered beautiful now. Remember, have confidence in yourself, and don't let anyone, or anything diminish it!

I want to thank all the beautiful people of FML, who tell this girl she should be happy and feel pretty, and give her great and useful tips on how to handle her problem. I think this is a great example of random kindness in the pool of hatred that is called the Internet, who shame overweight people for the sole fact that they exist. Thank you, wonderful people, for saying such nice and encouraging things!