By Mommy - 26/06/2011 20:47 - United States

Today, I was driving when a guy in a truck swerved in front of me. I didn't realize I'd sworn until I'd come to a red light and my one year old daughter yelled her own version of what I said. She now yells "Chicken in the hole!" whenever the car comes to a stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 471
You deserved it 28 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustinThunder 8
rebekahah 7

77- you misspelled *smart. Ironic?


I envision an exploding chicken for some reason

GRENAAAAAAADE!!!!! ...that was a chicken, dumbass.

You're lucky. I was having a frustrating phone conversation the other day and I got flustered and said the word "bastard" and my 2 year old son overheard me. He called my husband a bastard when he put him in time out today. FML!

StreetBikeGuy86 0

I'm still trying to figure out what " chicken in the hole" sounds like.

Zambaku 9

I'm guessing "Frickin shithole" or "Frickin asshole" :D

Relentless_J 0

I call bull. I doubt a 1 year old could put sentences together...

least she doesn't actually say what you said

kitten1323 19

I'm honestly trying to figure out what you said that sounds close to chicken in the hole... um...shit hole...asshole? idk

Aww, that's kinda cute though, what she thought you said. It will makw a good story to tell all her friends and embarrass her with when she's a teenager.

That sounds exactly like something my mother would do. It pisses me off 