By Mommy - 26/06/2011 20:47 - United States

Today, I was driving when a guy in a truck swerved in front of me. I didn't realize I'd sworn until I'd come to a red light and my one year old daughter yelled her own version of what I said. She now yells "Chicken in the hole!" whenever the car comes to a stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 471
You deserved it 28 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustinThunder 8
rebekahah 7

77- you misspelled *smart. Ironic?


droplets 0

That's not so bad, actually. Just tell her no.

That is actually really cute. It can be something you keep up. When she is about 15 explain it to her, she'll gets kick out of it!

Freaking shit hole? Or maybe it was freaking dick hole. Tsk, tsk Mommy =]

crazy4uboi 6

That's okay I'm at least your the parent. Earlier me and my boyfriend where in his car and someone cut him off and he slammed on his brakes and yelled "what the hell? You **** sucker!" and his little brother yells "ring the bell you can't suffer!" it doesn't make sense but I'm sure his parents will figure it out the next time they slam on their brakes and he says it...


I'm guessing it was 'f***ing a**hole right? And how can a 1 year old say 'Chicken in the hole' she must be pretty smart?

how does a 1 year old say chicken in a hole at all?

nikki322 2

When I was around your daughter's age, I heard my father say "******' shit" so I would sit behind the couch saying it to myself until my mom found out. She then had to teach me to say "frogs and spit" instead.