By Mommy - 26/06/2011 20:47 - United States

Today, I was driving when a guy in a truck swerved in front of me. I didn't realize I'd sworn until I'd come to a red light and my one year old daughter yelled her own version of what I said. She now yells "Chicken in the hole!" whenever the car comes to a stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 471
You deserved it 28 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustinThunder 8
rebekahah 7

77- you misspelled *smart. Ironic?


elyiia 4

This is a FML. When people get into a situation like that swearing is fairly natural.

one year olds aren't likely to repeat a whole phrase like that. and how is it a FML if she isn't even swearing?

kittea86 0

who cares she's not cussing no one knows what she means

619warrior281 5

chicken shit, ass hole. ;D

almostalbino 10

I totally picture a chicken in combat...

RainbowzSkittlez 6

Now you should yell chicken in the hole whenever a driver pisses you off lol

Lolol, I actually think that's funny. Kids say the darnedest things, ya know? Naw... really though, I don't see how this is an FML, because the kid wasn't repeating verbatim what OP said. Therefore, it makes a good joke later on. :D I think it's pretty cute. Stuff like that happens all the time when you have kids. She'll get bored of it eventually & you have a funny story to tell, pretty sure there are no negative impacts to your life ;) Oh, and I guarantee that won't be the last time something like that happens!!