It's all downhill from here

By Brenna - 17/11/2021 10:59

Today, I woke up realizing my 40th birthday is on Sunday and I’ll only have about 40 more years to live after that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 735
You deserved it 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dirtysalamander1 13

sounds you haven't lived your life to the fullest. stop being afraid to reach for your dreams.


Dirtysalamander1 13

sounds you haven't lived your life to the fullest. stop being afraid to reach for your dreams.

Maybe if you're lucky. The last few might not even be worth having. With Covid around, it's not a sure thing you'll get one more birthday!

Sounds like your are not happy with your life. Take a break from work and think about what you want to do. On another note, remember that in those 40 years, the first 15 are mostly being dependant on parents/studying so it's normal you can't enjiy them to their fullest. But you are 40, you got plenty of time in front of you. I wish you all the best!

Or more! And wait 2 years before making any big decision.