By hatecolin - 10/09/2009 18:46 - United States

Today, I was driving my new car home when I came around a sharp turn to see a groundhog in the road. I kindly stopped and allowed it to cross when all of the sudden a car slammed into the back of mine. Then, another car went flying around us. That car hit and killed the groundhog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 812
You deserved it 12 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Never stop in a travel lane when there are poor sightlines for traffic behind you. Just imagine the FML from the other guy's perspective. "Today, I was driving down the road and went around a sharp curve to suddenly discover that some dickless wonder had stopped his car in the middle of the road. With no time to react, I slammed into his car. Afterwards I asked him why he was stopped. His response? 'I was letting a groundhog cross the road.' FML"

You're not supposed to stop for animals on the road, as horrible as it sounds. A few years ago a guy stopped for a family of ducks, but a truck smashed into them killing his wife and daughter. I'm an animal lover myself, but that's how life is, if they're on they road they're gonna get squished one way or another.


oogyboogy 6

i was in the car with my mom we saw a family of whatever she didnt want to swerve into traffic. but i think she only hit the mother it was kinda sad. but it will save many lives and injuries

YamahaMama09 0

I don't even know how to respond to this comment, except to say...WTF!

That's what you get for trying to save a groundhog. YDI

alex_vik 0

Of course it's a woman who causes an accident. You don't stop just for an animal, especially when you have people behind you. YDI

Awhz , poor little groundhog . The person that hit you should have been watching where he was going . I would have stopped too ... and for the people who are saying that she's the idiot , YDI .

TheDrifter 23

Or they were driving a vehicle that can't stop as fast as op, a sane person would have assumed that the driver in front of them would follow the rules of the road. Try that in front of me and see how it works out for you.

ooohman 0

never stop or swerve for anything smaller than a deer

ydi. i hate people who stop without indicating, without a reason, etc...

WTF, you caused a 3 car pile up and your worried about a groundhog??

YDI, Go around it at least, let the next car worry about it