By Toomuchisoutofcontrol - 21/01/2017 08:00

Today, I was going down on my boyfriend. I'm usually in control and do my own thing. He tried taking control and I ended throwing up on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 583
You deserved it 1 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turns out that the person going down on someone knows better how far they can go than the person receiving. He deserves the pukey lap, but you didn't deserve any of that.

Or her boyfriend could just... let her go at her own pace? Clearly she knows what she's doing. Don't be fooled by **** fellas, just grabbing her hair and ramming it down her throat is NOT going to have a "happy ending."


Atleast he knows that you should control your own body now? I'm sorry OP, I don't know what to say about this except FYL

That doesn't sound like a very happy ending.

I hate it when a guy do that. Sometimes I wanna shove an banana in their mouth just see how they feel...

I've done this to my boyfriend. he gagged. it was satisfying.

Or her boyfriend could just... let her go at her own pace? Clearly she knows what she's doing. Don't be fooled by **** fellas, just grabbing her hair and ramming it down her throat is NOT going to have a "happy ending."

if he felt the need to do something, she obviously didn't know what she was doing. ladies, ******* listen to your man. you aren't all ******* pros. he knows what he wants better than you do. tbh it's still kind of a dick move to do what he did, but it's really not that big of a deal.

ChopSuey444 20

Practice not forcibly choking people

Turns out that the person going down on someone knows better how far they can go than the person receiving. He deserves the pukey lap, but you didn't deserve any of that.

saffy66 34

And that, gentlemen, is why you should NEVER hold her head.

Not never, but with her agreement. Eye contact was key to keeping it fun.

Don't do that unless she gives you the OK ahead of time. Even when she agrees it's a smart idea for you two to come up with a signal of sorts in case she reaches her limit. I can't imagine having barf on your genitals feels good.

That's what my Fiancee and I do. She enjoys it when I take control, but we have a hand signal that shows she has reached her limit and needs a break. Because of that, we've never had a problem.

Fireant_man 6

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jnugzzz 6

Then he should demonstrate himself on something. That's a ****** up way of doing it

TheyCallMeDamien 17

He watched one too many pornos.

Dodge4x4Ram 46