By cockblockingbitch - 25/01/2009 05:54 - United States

Today, I promised my best friend I wouldn't let her hook up with any guys (she got an STD a few weeks ago). After we tossed a few back she led about 30 people in a chant of "cockblock" after I wouldnt let her go home with some random dude. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 223
You deserved it 4 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I tend to believe that always keeping true to your word is the most important principle I hold. Thus, I would not have broken my promise with her, which was to watch her so that she doesn't sleep with other guys. Visibly, telling everyone she has STDs seems to be the best and most effective way of keeping that promise. I would've done exactly the same thing, you can be sure of it.

Actually been there... a few weeks ago. Pretty much the exact same situation.


Out the ****. Let's see what nickname people will come up with for her. Which STD did she have anyhow?

Actually been there... a few weeks ago. Pretty much the exact same situation.

Agreed with everyone who said outing her was a good call. Maybe she shouldn't have been such a raging b***h.

I think outing her was a good call considering how bitchy this act was, this whole let her go and she'll learn is BS because then she's just spreading it to other people. With this STD she had since it's bacterial and she can get medicine and be treated for it it's important for her to not be so active for a period of time.

its alright. i did that once but i didnt know i was doing it cause i was hella drunk. lol my homeboy cried because all he wanted was a kiss -_- yes i know.

I tend to believe that always keeping true to your word is the most important principle I hold. Thus, I would not have broken my promise with her, which was to watch her so that she doesn't sleep with other guys. Visibly, telling everyone she has STDs seems to be the best and most effective way of keeping that promise. I would've done exactly the same thing, you can be sure of it.

Wow your friend is a **** !!!! You should of just let that dick crazed STD walking **** go off with some random guys ! Cause me personally, i would never have friends like that around me ! The saying goes "You are who your friends are" And if your not a *****, than cut that nasty **** out !!

You should get less slutty friends, people might think you're slutty too... and although it doesn't really matter what they think, makes it harder to meet a man that'll respect you if your friends are.. *****.. also, add ilke kartunay on fb,.. im curious as to what this hoe looks like.. and im procrastinating on 20 page paper..