By golfstar11 - 11/12/2012 02:05 - United States - Savannah

Today, I was doing a presentation in front of my boss. On the last slide, someone had put a picture of a man's cock. I later found out it was my boss who did it. It was his "good reason" to fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 065
You deserved it 2 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a dick. Hopefully you got a decent-sized severance package out of it.

I think you have a good reason to call Human Resources. I would've just quit. You wouldn't want to work for someone who clearly wants you fired.


livi955 4

He put a male ****,didn't know u had to specify it was male since thats the only **** iv never heard of a female ****.....

Best reply from an FML staff member I've ever seen.....

Seems like the boss should go back to elementary school for pulling that childish crap

I'd just sue his ass for wrongful termination and indecent exposure of his genitalia to others. If it wasn't his dick up there, then he will have a hell of a time explaining all of this to HR.

In these economic times, isn't it amazing that idiots like this boss are still running things???

joethebiden 8

I see Project Mayhem is still going strong.

If you can prove it, report him to the Labor Board. There is a huge sexual harassment case in the making.

nnnope 26

In the what? Damn those cliff-hangers!!

MKProcks 13

Now I think boss yelling "You're fired" in front of everyone is way better to fire someone, than this.