By golfstar11 - 11/12/2012 02:05 - United States - Savannah

Today, I was doing a presentation in front of my boss. On the last slide, someone had put a picture of a man's cock. I later found out it was my boss who did it. It was his "good reason" to fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 065
You deserved it 2 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a dick. Hopefully you got a decent-sized severance package out of it.

I think you have a good reason to call Human Resources. I would've just quit. You wouldn't want to work for someone who clearly wants you fired.


What I want to know is why your boss had a picture of a man't **** in his possession anyway?

KiddNYC1O 20

That's when you involve HR, my friend.

hateevryone 14

for everybody talking about how hard it is to fire him, unions and that OP should sue his boss, Georgia is a right to work state and as such your boss doesnt need any kind of reason to fire the OP. HR may have been able to help but there is probably no real proof other then the boss saying something, which can easily be denied. second, as somebody else said OP should have used password protection and kept a close eye on their files.

Something doesnt seem right here. Every time I have to do a presentation, I know where every slide is and I always double/triple check that all is present even before I start. But these days, I use powerpoint more than a slide projector, so its impossible to sneak something in.

carminecris89 13

I see there still is no shortage of passive aggressive pricks in Georgia. Can you talk to hr about that? It's a serious matter, you should even think of talking to a lawyer.

venomousddog 19

Man that pisses me off just reading that, I can't imagine how pissed you are, you should take it up with hr

Lots more time for golf now then mate :)