By ideserveit - 28/05/2016 22:10 - Finland

Today, I was cuddling with my boyfriend after a fight. I told him the reason I was so irritable is because I'm on my period. He yelped in disgust and nearly fell out of bed. Good to know I'm dating a man-child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 013
You deserved it 1 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand why some people are so skittish about periods. Maybe it's because I'm a female and I have to deal with it, but some people seem to overreact.


I think he meant it as a funny.. wich guy does'nt dislike periods even though it's nature... even us woman hate it most of the time xD

#11 my boyfriend isn't disgusted by it. He does what he can to make me feel better and buys me pads if I need them, no buts ifs or whining about it. He thinks it's amazing I can go through that one week every month for years. Sure if he actually saw a bloody pad he'd be grossed out but he worries about me more than acting childish about it. And he's 18. Time to grow the **** up #11.

metalcrazed 21

Ok,he's cool but wouldn't it make more sense to make sure you have enough pads before it starts? Maybe if you have room stock up for a few months see if they sell them in bulk.

metalcrazed 21

Wow they really will vote down anything eh whatever if you run out it's your fault then.

You get down voted because you say stupid things.

metalcrazed 21

Could you please explain why it's stupid to stock up on an an item you know yoou will need? It makes sure you don't run out in inconvenant times and if it comes early you're prepared. This is a very logical idea and if you have the money I can't see a reason you wouldn't do this.

We're only human dude. If we run out we run out. Not a big deal.

Pads and tampons can expire and have to be restocked and checked for mold. If someone has an irregular period it makes no sense for them to stock up on an item that has a good chance of expiring before it can be used. Now most women have a stock of pads and tampons. Some women don't have consistent flows and the 30 pack of thin pads isn't going to cut it. So you have to go buy more because a waterfall of blood has soaked everything you own. And then sometimes the 3 women of child bearing age all start menstruating at once and all hell breaks loose. My family stocks up but when my sister, mother, and I all sync up that stock is gone in a matter of hours. So sometimes emergencies occur and you have to send someone to get some damn pads. A lot of times it's my brother because I'm too dizzy from blood loss to drive, my sister is cramping too hard to move, and my mom has to watch the baby. So yes, sometimes a male is expected to go get the ******* pads and tampons.

metalcrazed 21

I have a sister and a lot of female friends pads and tampons don't mold in three months. I wasn't suggesting he shouldn't help her either BUT he can't always be avalable and accidents are embarresing.

Did I say pads and tampons expire in 3 months? No I did not! My sisters when not medicated have highly irregular cycles to the point where there is no way to predict if the next cycle will be in one month or a year from the last cycle. Typically my family does not rely on my brother to get our pads and tampons. There are occasions that he has to go to the store. There have been occasions where I have done pad/tampon runs for friends because they couldn't get to the store. The girl above didn't say she relied on her boyfriend exclusively to get her products; just that he would if needed. I know tons of men that refuse to step foot in the aisle where the products are located. You can't plan for every emergency and scenario that will happen. Generally, I'm a goddamn Boy Scout when it comes to period prep. I have pads in all of my bags (backpack, purse, pencil bag) and I have a pack of pads in my car. Iron tablets? I gotchu. Midol? I have a variety. I've still had emergencies. Usually I can run to the student union or hit a dollar store to hold me over until I get to a store that has my preferred brand. There have been times where I had to borrow pants and go shower at the gym on campus. Everyone can be caught unaware especially when it comes to periods.

metalcrazed 21

I still never said a guy shouldn't go get tampons I have picked them up for my sis and a few of my female friends. before they started stocking up and I agree it wouldn't work for your family but it does work for a lot of women. I do think relying on a persson who may be at work or not is a bad idea.

I don't think of it as relying so much as a safety net. Like most women know that they can ask another women for products in a pinch, but know not to rely on it for everyday use. I just think emergencies happen and you have certain people you call for certain things: Mom= everything, BIL=car problems/scary men, brother=anything but especially scary dudes and so on and so forth.

metalcrazed 21

cool family lol. Mom and protective brothers rock!

Maybe he yelled in disgust since he realised you were going to use the fact you are on your period as a reason to be a bitch to him for the next 30-40 years.

Wooow. Perhaps you should do some research on hormones before making ridiculous comments. Also, a person can be irritable without being "a bitch."

Do you even realize what happens when girls get periods? Their hormones go absolutely crazy. It's totally normal for women to get a tad irritable on their periods. Some women more than others.

Okay let's drain you of energy, give you stabbing pains in your mid section, make you have to deal with the logistics of a bunch of blood coming out of your nether region and call you gross at least once a month and see if you're still sunshine and flowers every single day of your life.

iliveformystery 18

I'm wondering why people are saying you deserved it.. Are they thinking "How dare you have a period?"

metalcrazed 21

She uses her period as an excuse to fight with him then calls him a manchild for what is probably a phobia she's kind of awful.

She didn't use her period as an excuse to fight... Sounded like more of irritation at each other and then makeup cuddling with her explaining that she is feeling overly emotional as a way of apologizing for overreacting or something (can't be too sure, but I've been in that scenario). If he seriously has a period phobia, then maybe he isn't ready to date women.

I never understood why guys get so grossed out by periods. Especially in OP's case. Like she has clothes on and probably a pad or tampon. She's not going to bleed all over you. If you have a thing where you're afraid of blood then I guess I could see why someone would act like that.

metalcrazed 21

You precious innocent ignoramus,I fell asleep with a freind watching movies and she had a heavy period that month when we woke up it looked like someone had been butchered. But anyway he probably has a blood phobia.

That is not a typical situation, 64. Based on your grammar and spelling, I'm guessing you are young and may be inexperienced with some of this, but most girls are capable of keeping themselves clean and their bodily fluids to themselves. Regardless, periods are a natural part of the human body and affect 50% of the world's population. Part of being a mature adult is accepting that and not acting like a child every time they are mentioned. It is rude to treat a woman like she is frightening or disgusting for something she cannot control.

metalcrazed 21

I have dyslexia stay classy there.

metalcrazed 21

accidents happen to the cleanist people is all I meant

@64 I'm not innocent or stupid. Nice job making assumptions that are completely incorrect. It just makes you look like an asshole. Secondly, I know how periods work. My girlfriend, who is with me in my profile picture, gets periods just like any other woman. Not to mention we're both in our 20s so we know fully how our bodies function. Maybe next time before calling someone ignorant or stupid, you give their profile a looking at to see if they might actually know what their talking about. Yes I'm aware periods can be heavy. Very heavy. However, your scenario is very unlikely and the way OP wrote her FML made it seem like it wasn't like your scenario.

Just so you know, when you're on your period, that is the time of month when your hormones actually most resemble a male's hormones, so "I'm on my period" is not a valid excuse for acting irrationally, it's PMS because it's pre-menstruation. Besides, only around 12% of women actually get PMS, so don't use it as an excuse to invalidate things women are passionate about.

Sometimes it causes massive pain and discomfort though, meaning for some women they are less inclined to be patient about things they'd otherwise let slide. I agree it's not a green card to be a bitch, but I think giving someone a heads up and an apology for being a bit snappy because you feel out of sorts is fair enough.

The reason why a lot of women are easily irritated during their periods is because for many it hurts and are being treated as if they had the plague.

And what if she DOES get PMS? Let me tell you, I get it and it isn't fun. I'm moody, more irritable, tired, grouchy, and sore. I actually feel better once my actual period starts, but then the pain with it makes me sick. I don't use it as an excuse, but I also most of time I don't fully realize it's happening. So maybe don't discredit a woman who might actually suffer from PMS?

Some of your stats and facts are wrong. It's 80-90% of women who have symptoms of PMS, and this is coming from gynecologists. Women who have been officially diagnosed with it is about 20-30%, just because a person doesn't have full PMS, doesn't mean they don't experience some symptoms of it. Hormones are fluctuating, mood swings are bound to happen, and a woman doesn't need to have official PMS to get mood swings. Also, the whole "women's hormones most resemble a man's during her period," isn't exactly accurate. During the first day of a woman's period, estrogen is at it's lowest, yes, but testosterone, the hormone more prominent in men, is at its lowest too. And it's the estrogen that slowly rises for this week, the testosterone doesn't rise until days 8-14 for ovulation. Also, in women estrogen is always higher than testosterone, so our hormones never really "resemble men's." Besides, we're irritable because of the fluctuating hormones, it's like sending our bodies on a rollercoaster. "The fluctuating levels of female hormones affect the central nervous transmitters including serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline, which influence everything from our mood to our concentration and sleep." I agree it isn't an excuse to act over the top and irrational, but the fact that our premenstrual time and our periods effect our mood should be considered, also given the fact that we're in pain and not exactly comfortable. I like your ending sentence though, for god sake NEVER invalidate a woman's passion for something with "you must be PMSing," or "you must be on your period."

I love it when people get out-scienced.

metalcrazed 21

There is a medication for that but nice try.

Oh really. What is this said medication? Please enlighten me!

some women like myself have a hormone imbalance. This affects the heaviness of my period, the duration, and how often I get it. Sometimes I only have 1 good weekend a month with pre/post/mid menstruation symptoms

ashbee11790 8

I was at the drug store and saw in the pain reliever section "anti-PMS" pills. I was like "what are thoooosssseeeeee?" I can't wait to try them any see what happens.

Good luck. They don't really do anything. Me and many of my friends don't bother with them, it's just a money pit.

Since you are ever so enlightened metalcraze, why don't you share the name of said medication? Since I have yet to find any that does more than put a damper on my extreme cramping pains, I'm really desperate to see what you know that my gyno doesn't.

I understand the reason why you think he's such and man-child but what I don't get is why you have to be so irritable. I know you said you were on your period but come on couldn't you have told him before the fight??? Who's to say he didn't even know you were on it before the fight and just thought you were being a bitch??? Sorry but YDI for not telling him ahead.

Using the "I'm on my period" tactic shouldn't be an excuse for irritability to begin with

She may have just started that day. Its not exactly something you are required to report right away.

Have you ever been tired or hungry and got into a pointless argument with someone, only to realise why they got to you so much after having a snack or a rest? It's not like a switch goes off like clockwork every month to make women short-fused. Sometimes things just pile up, it's especially bad if you're usually the one making the peace with your partner and they're not used to backing down.

You don't have to report the fact you're on your period every time you have one

Do you expect OP to just announce everytime she's on her period? And just because she's on her period doesn't invalidate her feelings on the fight. Her period might have made her more short tempered, but the fight could have been building for a while

some couples stay long enough where the guy subconsciously knows that she is menstruating. really cool, actually.

I don't blame him. periods are disgusting... but I'm gay so anything "down there" on a woman is dusgusting. sorry you're dating a man-child op.

I'm a gay guy and I can handle conversations about periods like a mature individual. You have no excuse.

metalcrazed 21

I don't think he needs an excuse bleeding from your genitals is kind of gross that doesn't mean he treats women any differently I know a few women who would agree.

You really have a problems with periods? Seems so since you defend OP's boyfriend's childish response so religiously.

66 when are you going to give up with your replies? Stating the same thing on every comment doesn't change anything lol.

Hybricide 8

You may be irritable, but don't blame it on your period. It's just reinforcing the idea that people have about "Oh, she's angry. Must be her period."

it's because periods are disgusting

dragoongirl90 34

He was stupid to react like that, but you were stupid to blame your period. Periods only intensify what we already feel. Women who use periods as an excuse are just bitches to begin with. And cue the onslaught of women who use their periods as an excuse to be bitches attacking me for telling it like it really is.

Sounds like she was admitting that she was unreasonably irritable and explaining why. The same as if someone says "sorry I snapped at you, my boss was a real bitch today and I'm cranky." It's called communication. If you freak out whenever someone admits what is going on with them, stay away from relationships.

We're bitches because we aren't exactly like you? I don't know about you, but I'm very irritable whenever I'm in pain or uncomfortable. It shouldn't be a free excuse, if you hurt someone you hurt someone. It just makes it more understandable and is a warning. But go ahead and say I'm just a bitch, I disagree with you so I guess that's what i am.

You do know your experience is not universal to all women and all people with periods right? My tolerance for bullshit is much lower on my period. I know I have a limited amount of time to get things done until my period makes me pass out. Worst case scenario I'm hospitalized and put on oxygen for the duration. So excuse me if I'm not in the mood to deal people's fuckery. I'm polite as hell about it, but I have no tolerance for someone messing with my limited amounts of energy.

We can only control hormones/pain so much, hun. Not everyone operates the same. And calling us b*tches aren't going to help your votes anyway, even if you are right.

metalcrazed 21

Who cares? They also voted down my post about sexual consent and the one that said you shouldn't fight an angry dog they seem a bit unbalanced.

Then why do you keep commenting? If you're pissy over getting downvoted, stop giving us shit to downvote.

metalcrazed 21

I don't let them win people need to know consent is important and not to fight angry dogs vote me down all you want truth is more important.

And for the dog, your comments were saying the thing to do was to run from an animal who will have instinct to chase and who can outrun you. In which the aggressive dog will be able to catch and attack you or you could cause the dog to attack you.

The consent comment, can't say why it was downvoted. Consent is very important. The most likely option Id see is the comments in the rest of the thread trying to paint op as pushing it, not accepting of other kinks, and such. All based on your own imagination.

metalcrazed 21

True,but if a dog is that agressive all I said was standing still or fighting him won't help either and waiting to see if he's dangerous lets him get close enough that you can't escape.

metalcrazed 21

Also you might make it indoors or alert a neighbor loud screaming would also help in that both to scare the dog and summon help.

metalcrazed 21

well,she did post his private kink online.

All of your consent comments were down-voted because you kept insisting that your narrative was correct without acknowledging that others scenarios could be correct. The FML in question didn't say the OP pressure the boyfriend into using handcuffs. It stated that her ex called her "disgusting" for wanting to use handcuffs and that in his current relationship enjoyed his girlfriend using animal tail butt plugs. In no way shape or form is there any way to indicate that OP kept pressuring her ex into using the handcuffs. There are good and bad ways to express a preference or hatred for a particular sex act. Calling your partner disgusting isn't one of those ways.

metalcrazed 21

She listened to his private conversation and posted it online. Honestly he's lucky he escaped before she boiled his bunny. But they vote down everything I say even if it's positive.

If this conversation takes place in a public setting there is no expectation of privacy. And she didn't put any identifying things in the post other than he likes girls who use animal tail butt plugs. Which doesn't really narrow anything down. And don't sweat the downvotes. I had an angry group of people message me calling me names because I pointed out that even if a penis is erect it doesn't equal consent or arousal. And that because the body acts aroused doesn't mean the person consents.

metalcrazed 21