By Anonymous - 16/09/2014 20:31 - United Kingdom - Truro

Today, I had a conversation with a girl I don't normally talk to. She ended up saying I'm "not as annoying as everyone says." and "Oh… you didn't know?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 174
You deserved it 3 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who cares what "everyone else" says anyway. hopefully you have a new friend out of it :)

She's a shit stirrer. Don't take the bait.


VengeanceChicken 12

How on Earth would you know if he/ she is annoying?

5 - Maybe because "everyone" says so? Sorry, OP, but you probably ARE unintentionally annoying. Ask them what exactly annoys them and maybe you can improve it?

I have to concur, even though we may not know they are annoying, if x amount of people say so it has to be correct. Just look at Taylor swift for example, everyone says she sings good... They couldn't possibly be wrong...

#10: It's impossible to please "everyone". People called me annoying, and so I tried changing for them. It made me miserable, and they hated me even more. You can't win. The most important thing one can do is be happy with oneself. Don't change just to please people.

I have to agree with #13. The whole "everyone believes it so it's true" argument is full of holes. Ask anyone, they'll tell you.

Maybe you shouldn't change yourself, but at the same time everyone has annoying traits that could probably be toned down. If you like these people and really are friends with them, you could ask them what it is that annoys them and try toning it down a bit if you want. Remember how Ross (from Friends) corrected everyone's grammar all the time, he knew it bugged his friends and tried to tone it down. Don't change everything about yourself but changes a few things never hurt anything.

simplysarcastics 26

Well I've seen firsthand how some girls are jealous of another girl and they think the girl is annoying because of it. We can't say for sure though. & some people say I'm annoying because I am laidback and won't do everything they do, so they call me boring and annoying, and I being smart forget about their negativity.

laylaeve 9

You don't even know this person. An it's sad that people can be such aholes. He shouldn't change for anyone. He should continue to be himself. I bet he's an amazing person once you get to know him. Honestly I'm a pretty off person most people steamed clear of me my whole school life minus high school. Once you get to know me though I'm really fun to be around. I'm a sarcastic person who likes to crack jokes about the truth so it's not as rough when you hear it.

Who's "everyone" that says this about you?

Who cares what "everyone else" says anyway. hopefully you have a new friend out of it :)

LostInTheZone11 29

On top of that, she might also put in a good word to those who think OP is annoying.

it might just be her friends that she's reffering to.

Keep talking to her. Act like it didn't phase you.

Does she speak with an inflection every other word?

She's a shit stirrer. Don't take the bait.

trying to tell the truth so as not are equally disappointed.

Well that's not very nice. She could just be trying to start something, so don't take it too hard

You just have to love the shock drop of news you didn't know about, so annoying.