By Average - 13/02/2011 07:16 - United States

Today, I was chosen as King for our winter formal. Even after I won, nobody wanted to dance with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 742
You deserved it 3 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EllieB123 5

How the hell did you get voted King then, if no one likes you?

Start grinding the air next time, you'll attract all the desperate skanks.


Yeah. Damn. I guess that shit really doesn't matter anymore.

Did you ask anyone to dance? Are you a bully during school? Or are you just ugly?

Thats a great sentence. "Are you just ugly?" Remind me to go to you when i need a self esteem boost

gunmania0 12

Start grinding the air next time, you'll attract all the desperate skanks.

perdix 29

Of course. No one wants to dance with a guy who was voted Prom King as a joke and is covered in pig's blood.

Ok...may I ask why he is covered in pigs blood?

perdix 29

Google "prom" and "pig's blood" to get the reference. YWIA

sourgirl101 28

also "I can see your dirty pillows."

cheex87 0

Carrie! one of my favorite movies!

#11 I assume you've never seen "Carrie". Correct me if I'm wrong but whoever they crown "queen", aren't they supposed to share a dance? That must have been embarrassing. Sucks to be you.

Prankster7o7 5

it's a reference to the Stephen King movie Carrie.

ZombieKitteh 8

I came here to say that! XD and to the person who asked why, it's from a movie called 'Carrie' (not sure about spelling) So many of the students disliked her that it was more than half of the student body so they all decided to vote for her and make her queen as a joke, so they could humiliate her by dumping pig's blood on her when she was on stage. Then they all got violently slaughtered because she was telekinetic and super pissed XD Whoops I didn't realize I was only seeing the first two of many comments on the comment page. I don't comment often =P

Just because you are king, doesn't mean people have to bow down to you.

TheDrop 0

moar liek his king sized HEART is lonely... amirite?

EllieB123 5

How the hell did you get voted King then, if no one likes you?

emmanizzer 6

it's actually really common now, especially at my school, to vote guys that nobody really likes as dance "royalty". especially homecoming. it's really weird though because for the girls it's still a major popularity contest

Farankusu 0

twisted teen society at its finest.

EllieB123 5

Well at the high school I went to, couples are usually voted King & Queen.