By bizzyizzy0121 - 21/11/2011 06:28 - United States

Today, I was called by a restricted number. The man on the phone then explained to me in detail what I was doing at every second that I was on the phone with him. I'm scared to leave my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 582
You deserved it 3 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babyyninjas 1

he knows what you did last summer !


mommykrissy_05 7

Scared to leave the house? You should be scared to stay in the house alone... Call a friend or family over or leave!

dubstepfreak123 0

Ya like everyone else said I don't know what the **** you're doing if you're not calling the cops right now.

GET A GUN!!!!!! If he can see everything he'll know you own a gun and don't be afraid to shoot him!!!!!!!

pasquel13 0

I'll bet you money it's a prank from a friend. How else/why else would someone take the time to look up your number and swing by to watch what your doing?

well why else so they can kill you or they can rape you

Not in that order of course....unless they swing that way..

LADiiL0KA24 11

Call the cops dick they can trace the caller

He's climbing in yo windows he's snatching yo people up. Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife. And hide yo husband. Cause they rapin err body out here.

U really need to call the cops and don't leave the house!! Lock doors and windows and protect Ur self!! Hope Ur ok!

sinking_fish 12

Lol, After reading this thread, I completely forgot what the FML was. :p It was entertaining though! thank you all :3