Love is in the air

By Rydia - 31/10/2020 05:01

Today, my fiancé hugged me so tight that I couldn't move, said he loved me, let out a loud, obnoxious and smelly fart cloud and made me breathe it in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 959
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dump him and move on. Today, it's just a gas attack -- there's no telling where the abuse will end.


Sady_Ct 37

Typical manchild, mine does this too!

Dump him and move on. Today, it's just a gas attack -- there's no telling where the abuse will end.

If you can accept it means it's true love

xxlk4xx 6

you're marrying the right one! my fiance and I do it to eachother haha! or sometimes if mine fsrts in bed then I'll trap him under the blanket in his own fart!

diraven 15

That's nothing, after you're married a few years you'll think nothing of watching each other poop