By bizzyizzy0121 - 21/11/2011 06:28 - United States

Today, I was called by a restricted number. The man on the phone then explained to me in detail what I was doing at every second that I was on the phone with him. I'm scared to leave my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 582
You deserved it 3 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babyyninjas 1

he knows what you did last summer !


skyeyez9 24

Are you renting your house/apartment? Maybe the landlord has hidden cameras in your house and uses them to spy on you. Especially if you go to your bathroom, close the door and if there are Ask him what you are doing while shut in your bathroom. If he describes it, your bathroom has a hidden camera...and prob your bedroom.

ohsheet 8

That's some scary shit...but definitely call the cops and lock yourself in a bathroom or something that has a lock and no windows until the cops show up

Ahh. The power of three simple numbers (911) and/or a shotgun will solve this problem.

shit call someone and then leave!! Or have someone stay with you... I know that calling the police wont do any good....

rbr0wn 3

Can we stop worrying about arguments between people on here and start commenting on how creepy this FML is?

*Looks on the hillside and sees the glare of a sniper scope*