By redcherries90 - 08/12/2009 15:19 - United States

Today, I slipped on the new snow and sprained my ankle. As my mom and I were leaving the emergency room, she says, "You owe me $4 for parking," and she meant it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 706
You deserved it 4 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously? She can't drop four bucks on you, after you've been injured, no less? Your mom is one stingy-ass bitch.

Just shut up and pay the parking fee. It's not like you cant pay it off. Just remember this when she breaks a hip and tell her shes paying the parking fee. .__.


justdancebbyx3 7

Why would you go to the ER for a SPRAINED ANKLE? Each time I sprained mine (I used to play soccer) we would just wrap it in a bandage we got at the grocery store and put ice on it. ******* wuss.

How is the mom mean? She indulged her whiny kid and took them to the Hospital. My mom would have told me to stay in the snow for a while and then put some tape on it.

i dono lol i didnt really think that far hahaa depends how old this kid is :P

Actually, the damage from a really bad sprain can be worse than a broken bone, and if the sprain was bad enough, maybe she didn't know whether it was broken or a sprain. I probably wouldn't have gone to the ER, but if it was bad enough (as in if the pain/swelling hadn't subsided in a few days), I would have gone to a doctor. Maybe the OP doesn't have insurance and went to the ER so she could be treated for the free?

If you are 18 or older, I don't see why your mom should get stuck with the parking fee.

SEXY_SEN10R_2010 0

Who said they were 18 or older???


Please learn to read. Read that comment again. Then read it again. Do you understand? The first words were as typed"If you are 18 or older". "If you are" clearly means he is thinking that if OP is 18 or older then he should pay for the parking fee. He wasnt implying or suggesting anything. There you go. B-D

you aren't paying for the medical bill so whateva

Seriously? She can't drop four bucks on you, after you've been injured, no less? Your mom is one stingy-ass bitch.

The OP is stingy. It's either you or the snow, OP! And I don't think the snow is gonna pay up!! Thank your mom for covering the gas, and quite whining. YLI[not]F.

The gas and the bill the ER is going to send them. Last time I went to the ER (blacked out, subclinical infection, potassium deficiency) I treated the chick who drove to dinner (mostly because the ER refused to give me any food in case I had hit my head.....)

Just shut up and pay the parking fee. It's not like you cant pay it off. Just remember this when she breaks a hip and tell her shes paying the parking fee. .__.

Awww that sucks. =( That wasn't so nice of her.

fyl for going to the emergency room for a sprained ankle. suck it up

what else are you suppose to do dumb ass

ice it and stay off of it for a week or two,. the hospital cant do anything for a sprained ankle exept tell you common knowledge about careing for said ankle.

How often does she have to take you anyway? I know someone who turns her ankle every year. Even so, she strikes her feet on the ground/floor like she trying to break her feet. She also talks loud.

Kylias 6

On one hand, it might not be your fault you sprained your ankle. On the other hand, she shouldn't have to pay for your mistake, and $4 isn't much to gripe about compared to what somebody's going to have to pay to get things put back into place.

Yes, she really SHOULD have to pay for the mistake. It's part of being a parent- you take care of the child when it's injured. Have a problem with that? Don't have kids.

boatkicker 4

Who said OPs mom paid for it? What if OP paid for the visit, and just needed her mom to give her a lift there?