By imustbegay - 09/05/2010 14:20 - United States

Today, I was buying condoms for my girlfriend and myself. While at the checkout counter, my guy friend sees me, runs to me, puts his arm around me, kisses me on the cheek, then yells "Thank you baby!" There were about twenty people behind me, they all gave me dirty looks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 349
You deserved it 10 394

Same thing different taste


Why is that a problem? Are you a homophobe or something?

ChowderMan1010 0

u just got cocked blocked!!!!!!

wethequeens123 1

hahaha your friend is the best!!

shibbymegatron 0

That sounds like my friends. Suck it up buddy. It's not the end of the world. Just get them back in an even more embarasing way.

bookbee 2

Haha! Your friend is funny! Funny guys are hot. Much hotter than guys who are insecure about their masculinity.

bahahaha! this is freaking hilarous!!! ur friend and I would get along well cuz I would totally be the type to do something embarrasing like that to a friend!