By imustbegay - 09/05/2010 14:20 - United States

Today, I was buying condoms for my girlfriend and myself. While at the checkout counter, my guy friend sees me, runs to me, puts his arm around me, kisses me on the cheek, then yells "Thank you baby!" There were about twenty people behind me, they all gave me dirty looks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 349
You deserved it 10 394

Same thing different taste


your friend is amazing! that's too damn funny.

so I'm confused is the fML that people think your gay or that you live in a town full of Closed minded assholes?

dr3amcatchr 2

dude that's awesome. you must have been lookin around wishing you could explain that he was just pretending., but knowing no one would believe you...hillarious and a little disturbing too.

hahahaahahaha!! Gotta love obnoxious friends huh OP? XD. fuuuckin hilarious!

Jack_4194 1

So random people you'll never see again thinking you're gay is a FML?

xRainbows_X 0

This sounds like the thing I would do. ^________^

tough shit. your friend sounds funny as ****.

Sickkid97 5