By imustbegay - 09/05/2010 14:20 - United States

Today, I was buying condoms for my girlfriend and myself. While at the checkout counter, my guy friend sees me, runs to me, puts his arm around me, kisses me on the cheek, then yells "Thank you baby!" There were about twenty people behind me, they all gave me dirty looks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 349
You deserved it 10 394

Same thing different taste


I...must meet your friend. We would get along quite well ^-^

biggest dick move ever hahaha but so f-ing funny

spadesghost 1

i'm sorry, but even if this happened to ME i'd have to laugh about it. that was just funny. and as said, screw a bunch of people for their looks, especially if you don't know them or care about them. i mean if i can get drunk and fall down and laugh at myself, this would be even funnier to me .. your friend rocks.

L.O.L Your friend is my new hero. ^_^

ummm why did you get dirty looks for it? even if you were gay its not like it makes you a horrible person who gets dirty looks... i mean some religious people say its like a sin but who the hell are they to judge? shouldn't that be up to "God"? either way your friend got you lol