By mandy - 10/04/2009 15:35 - United States

Today, I was babysitting my neighbor's kid. We were playing in the yard, when he fell and got a small scratch on his leg. I gasp, and he takes a huge breath in and yells, "FUUUCK!!!" as loud as possible. The parents thought it was me, and the mother slapped me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 269
You deserved it 3 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EffinWhosLife 0

I hate the kind of parents that think their kids are so perfect, that they would never do anything wrong. If i were you, I would've slapped her and left. (I would slap my Aunt too, if she weren't family.)

MooKee 0

That's rude, you should have slapped her back! XOhah DID You at least get paid


WHOOOOOOOOOOAH!!! She can't just slap you!!!

everyone is saying slap her or call the cops. i say just tell her or demonstrate that you weren't the one who said it and leave. obviously she has somewhere to be or something important to do and now she needs a baby sitter at the last minute.

RayneWolf 10

u shuld of said "well babysit ur own damn kids if u don't believe me"

Apparently they should have hired a babysitter whose voice has changed already, or at least one who doesn't sound like a little boy?

id slap her once for slapping me then slap her twice for not reconizing her own kids voice

DareToDream7 0

I would explain to her what happened and see if she apologizes. If she doesn't, I would ask for my money, tell her what she did was unexceptable, and left. I would then tell my parents what happened (they are lawyers) and ask what the best course of action would be. You need to handle situations like this maturely, not go around slapping people and cussing them out. Then you're just re-inforcing the notion that you are crude and not to be trusted. What that woman did was not acceptable by any means. I can understand slapping the babysitter if she did something like rape or murder her child but saying the F word isn't something you would slap a babysitter for, it is something you would have a talk with them about and not hire again. Yes I am aware that the babysitter didn't say the F word, the child did but from the mothers point of view.

muffinkitty 15

she seriously had NO RIGHT to do that to you!!! like seriously!!

sssssss ahhhhhhhh ssssss ahhhhhhhhhh lol family guy

HunterAlpha1 8

it causes one to wonder where the little shit learned the "F bomb". perhaps from his parents?