By Anonymous - 10/04/2009 16:53 - United States

Today, I was sitting in my chemistry class when a sick girl behind me asked "Can I go to the bathroom?" My teacher, being smart said, "Don't you mean MAY I use the bathroom?" Meanwhile, the girl behind me started throwing up all over her desk and me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 321
You deserved it 3 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I thought I was going to be sick in class, I wouldn't ask, I'd just run out of the room! I feel for you!

I hate it when teachers do that. Give the grammar lesson after the student has emptied out what needs to be emptied.


EffinWhosLife 0

That almost happened to me once in the second grade, we were having a party while some chick ate a load of candy and drank all this soda. We were watching a movie when she blasted the desk we had to share.

That's the part where you take your shirt off and rub it on the teachers smart ass face.

If I thought I was going to be sick in class, I wouldn't ask, I'd just run out of the room! I feel for you!

myloveiselectric 0

oh god, that sucks. we have a rule at my school that says if you gotta puke, don't ask, just run out of the room

I hate it when teachers do that. Give the grammar lesson after the student has emptied out what needs to be emptied.

If the teacher could comperhend wut she wuz try'in 2 sé, then eye fale 2 c y grammatical functions r nessesary.

youknowit919 0
uhntissbby 0

ew, that's why you just walk out without asking when you feel like you're going to vomit instead, and explain when you get back. FYL!

mercymedical 6

I'd be pissed at the teacher more than discusted with the girl.

Fab_fml 0

I agree with #2. If you're sick, don't sit and wait for permission, get the hell out. That girl is as much an idiot as the teacher.

Oh god... poor girl! I agree with # 2 & 3: I wouldn't have bothered to ask at that point... just run to the bathroom!!

cucuto89 0

i hate it when teachers do that, stfu or else next time i'll just leave w/o telling you