By quietsleeper - 13/10/2009 11:07 - United States

Today, my new girlfriend told me I don't snore when I sleep. Which is funny, since during the last year of my marriage, my ex-wife would make me sleep on the couch because my loud snoring kept her up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 507
You deserved it 2 967

Same thing different taste

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Sucks man. fyl. You're ex-wife wanted the whole bed to herself. But at least you have a girlfriend now.

Actually snoring can be caused by stress, so maybe thats the problem?


fylisbetter 0

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MegamiKaosu 28

yea same here my bf snores so loud I can hear him in the next room over and my fatherinlaw from the other side of the house and his room is next to ours : ppl ask me how I even get sleep with their snoring to OP I think your ex wife didn't like sleeping with you o.o or sone thing idk

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AndreaHatesYou1 0

Wow. You're really that stupid? He didn't snore, that's why it's an FML (even though it really isn't, that's why OP thinks it is). 'Cause she was lying to come up with a reason to get him out of the bed. People on here really are incredibly stupid.

Yeah, but who gives a shit? He's not married to her anymore. He's with someone who is honest with him now. Not an FML

oh i get it! before i read #20 i was like 'huh....? ._.'

Normally I would've written a comment exactly like #20's .... but it also could be that his new girlfriend is a very heavy sleeper (which I happen to be) Because I have never been bothered by guy's snoring ever cause I never hear it? So his new gf might just not be aware of it?

You are "here" too are you stupid too? Doesn't it mean your girlfriend don't want to make you feel bad because your snoring or she didn't even sleep with you, like... you know what I mean.

WinRarGuy_96 0

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meeeep 0

this is an FML because his wife made him sleep on the couch for other reasons, since he obviously doesn't snore.

Veritas143 0

So?he's not married to her have a new gf.. Stop bitchin

Mc09toofine 0

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all I can say is... IQ dropped 10 points. Read a book, get smarter, and read this again, maybe you'll understand why this is an FML.

I wouldn't say it's an FML, though... Damn the "FML's" Aren't funny anymore

xMegan96 0

actually this is an FML. read it again.

Actually snoring can be caused by stress, so maybe thats the problem?

Sucks man. fyl. You're ex-wife wanted the whole bed to herself. But at least you have a girlfriend now.

She probably had guys sneaking in :s damn op, right under your nose

it's slack. cos if she didn't want to be in the same bed with him she should have slept on the bloody couch. but. perhaps you did actually used to snore. it is a possibility. even so, it was slack to make you sleep on the couch. she could have used earplugs or something...

as was previously stated. how is this an FML? consider yourself lucky. previous wife sounds pretty f'd. this one sounds more like a keeper.

Just 'cause she say's he doesn't snore makes her a keeper? Man, talk about low standards.

Anon17564 3

It's clear it was just passive aggressiveness from the ex-wife. But, this is hardly FML. It's not exactly a giant leap of imagination to think that your ex-wife was doing these things and it's only a small part of what was happening. Now you found out she was lying and you don't snore. That's good news, surely.

it's an fml because his ex-wife lied to him to make his ass sleep on the couch. another fml that weeds at the idiots.

The correct phrase would be "weeding out the idiots" ... idiot.