By BigBallah93 - 05/07/2009 15:23 - China

Today, I was at my girlfriend's house for dinner. Her mom gave me some seasoned cauliflower, which I didn't like. Not wanting to dissapoint my girlfriend's mom, I slipped the cauliflower of my plate and gave it to their dog. It turns out cauliflower gives their dog explosive diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 791
You deserved it 55 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're too young/immature for a girlfriend. YDI. If you're that desperate to please her mom, just choke down the food, and ask for drink refills to wash it down.

Glam_fml 0

Just deny, deny, deny if they ask you about it. They can't pin it on you.


Courtnaayy 0

I give my Dog vegetables, never has a problem with them.

Not true; instead of giving my dogs meat with their dog food, we give them green beans. They love them. They also love lettuce, carrots, and broccoli. Never have a problem.

wickeddrummajor 0

not true, my dogs LOVE broccoli and Brussels sprout and that sux man, did u have to clean it up

I don't think it is the vegetables - dogs can eat a vegetarian diet when there is no meat around. It is probably the seasoning.

Whatever they're in China so they're just going to eat it anyways. They were just mad cause you stalled the fattening process by a dat

My dog eats veggies, broccoli carrot zucchini. Never has a problem with them.

Meh, I'll say FYL cuz you did have good intentions in not wanting to hurt your gf's mom's feelings.

cryssycakesx3 22

he could have just said no like a normal person.

INDEED. I hate it when people over 10 whine about food. Have your parents never taught you good manners? I always eat what people give me when I'm a guest, you are rude and a whiny child and you deserved being found out. Also, don't give a dog people food, especially not someone elses dog without asking! I'd be pretty pissed if you gave my dog something he's not supposed to eat.

Colby_Colbert 0

the mother should have made you eat the diarriah

haha... pretty sure i saw this on tv at some point... either way, ydi

coldplaylive2003 0

so they still didn't know it was you so you probably got away with it anyway.., unless nobody likes the cauliflower and this has happened before

Glam_fml 0

Just deny, deny, deny if they ask you about it. They can't pin it on you.

What, are you a child? What the hell do you think you're doing, giving someone else's pet food? YDI for being stupid and childish.

You're too young/immature for a girlfriend. YDI. If you're that desperate to please her mom, just choke down the food, and ask for drink refills to wash it down.

How hard is it to just leave it on the plate? And if she asked, a simple "oh, I don't like cauliflower" would have been sufficient... Grow up please!

No, he should just have eaten it. Don't parents teach good manners anymore these days? I just eat whatever's on my plate, leaving it is just rude.

countryb_cth 38

@33 my mom always told me to try the food first, if I didn't like it I didn't have to eat it but I had to taste it first. Personally I think that is a bit more reasonable then making someone eat food they don't even like. So he didn't like it what's the big deal? It's not rude to politely tell someone you just didn't like the taste. Why would someone want to eat something they didn't even like? @OP YDI what you should have done was leave it on your plate and if the mom asked just say "I'm sorry it's just I didn't like the taste of the cauliflower. The rest of the meal was absolutely delicious though." Simple as that. But because you didn't you probably hurt the moms feelings more by giving it to the dog and plus now she will have to deal with a dog with diarrhea (which believe me is not fun).