By Anonymous - 07/08/2012 20:13 - Canada - Pierrefonds

Today, I was at a Chinese buffet, and I got a fortune cookie. I opened it, and it said, "The love of your life is sitting across from you". The only thing across from me was an empty chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 626
You deserved it 3 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't look far enough. The real love of your life is the buffet across the room. Send me an invitation to the wedding.


b_rad_fml 4

Damn, even the fortune cookie says, "Forever alone." stbu

Op ydi... Why were you at a buffet alone?

Well, look at it this way: You have freedom and time to yourself. Enjoy the money that would go to diapers and kids and see the world. No need to mope just because someone's not there to hold your hand. Take advantage while you can. Besides, 50% of marriages fail and of the 50% still together, a lot of them are unhappy. The grass isn't always greener. Being in a relationship is a job and it's not always rainbows and butterflies.

look past the chair...and through the walls until your to your back from the earths circle one could be there and through in some turns also you'll find someone that way...chances may look slim but their not...also you could also ask for another fortune cookie...

Oh, the irony... Sorry bud, you'll find someone :)

no no you got it all wrong. the empty chair means your options are endless and that empty chair still needs to be filled

spongbobsyellow 1