Observational comedy

By Anonymous - 17/09/2020 22:59

Today, I, an insecure high school student, told my 11-year-old sister that I got my period in third grade. She responded with, “What?! Then how come you didn’t have tits until last year?” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 055
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Different things develop at different times, and that's completely normal. I wouldn't worry about it if you can. You're doing fine, and normal and it will all work out. Middle and high school are a weird phase we all have to work through at our own pace. Keep your chin up, and make the most of that time, because soon you'll be old and working and busy all the time like me and miss it!

I was very similar. I started my period when I was 12, but didn’t really have a chest until 19 or 20. Everybody’s body is different. And different activities can affect it, too. If you’re in anything physically active that keeps you from putting on fat, you’re more likely to have less. Don’t take it to heart.


Different things develop at different times, and that's completely normal. I wouldn't worry about it if you can. You're doing fine, and normal and it will all work out. Middle and high school are a weird phase we all have to work through at our own pace. Keep your chin up, and make the most of that time, because soon you'll be old and working and busy all the time like me and miss it!

I was very similar. I started my period when I was 12, but didn’t really have a chest until 19 or 20. Everybody’s body is different. And different activities can affect it, too. If you’re in anything physically active that keeps you from putting on fat, you’re more likely to have less. Don’t take it to heart.

Be glad you have **** now, and you're finally at the age where you might be able to use them in a limited way. Having **** as a pre-teen really benefits no one!

3rd grade? 8 years old?? That sucks!!

mandy_anne34 3

I didn’t get mine till 10th grade, 30 years old and three kids later and I still don’t have boobs. Meanwhile a friend of mine had huge boobs in 5th grade. Everyone is different, no need to feel insecure about how your body develops. Sometimes it’s completely hormonal and completely out of your control. Also, high school doesn’t mean shit, your perspectives will change once you get out and move on to better things.