By oops - 27/03/2014 23:10 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I wanted to try seducing my boyfriend by having nothing but a t-shirt on for when he'd get back from work. He came home, saw me, apologized bashfully for failing to knock first, and went back outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 133
You deserved it 7 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's a good thing! That just proves he has respect for you and does not see you as an object

this is the exact manner in which I would have reacted.

Your boyfriend sounds adorable! Nothing wrong with that.

That's adorable though. He was being respectful

poisongirl708 11

Awwww he was just being polite. Don't let your sexual hormones get in the way of him or degrade him. That is just gonna make you look stupid for not respecting a rare gentleman

Awh just shows how much of a gentlemen he is!

This is so sweet. My husband would've completely missed the gesture...