Not to mention the muffled dialogue

By Anonymous - 30/05/2023 15:00 - Germany

Today, I thought of the saying “TV killed the radio star”, because in the show I'm currently watching it is so dark most of the time that you can neither see people’s faces, nor what is actually happening. If that’s modern television, we might just as well go back to radio. FML
I agree, your life sucks 531
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not a saying, it's a song, "Video Killed the Radio Star." The Buggles would be pissed! It seemed that way in the 80s, but now with podcasting, lots of people are doing well with an audio-only format.

Get a better TV screen, and arrange the lighting in the TV room in a proper way.


In American media productions, the lighting technicians have strong unions, so smaller productions and large productions from greedy companies will often not hire a lighting tech to cut costs. I don’t know entirely how it goes in Germany, but often in my country, productions will try to mimic American aesthetics and film trends, and unfortunately this leads to copying the Worst Lighting Known To Man as well because of a lack of understanding of *why* the lighting is deplorable.

It's not a saying, it's a song, "Video Killed the Radio Star." The Buggles would be pissed! It seemed that way in the 80s, but now with podcasting, lots of people are doing well with an audio-only format.

Get a better TV screen, and arrange the lighting in the TV room in a proper way.

Stop watching shitty ninja movies from Golam-Globus and Godfrey Ho.

sounds like you need to adjust your tv's picture to watch the show. it's a easy fix. some movies and shows are darker then most. also it's a song not a saying and video killed the radio star lol.