By ANON - 21/09/2016 14:09 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I visited my Aunt in hospital. Another patient got jealous, so she threw a tantrum. She threw things at us, pulled her drip out, threw herself to the floor, screamed, pounded the floor with her fists and pissed herself. My aunt is still waiting for a new room, and the staff blame me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 785
You deserved it 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Another patient got jealous of you visiting your aunt, and the staff blames you for the chaos she created as a result... How exactly does this equate to you being at fault, again? Assuming that this other patient was merely your aunt's hospital room and not someone you actually knew, it cannot rightfully be blamed on you that she flipped out. It isn't your fault that her own family didn't happen to visit the same day you came to see your aunt. The hospital staff need to pull the sticks out of their asses.

What a bitch! Op, your actions did not warrant this kind of response from anyone! An action performed out of love for another is a beautiful thing, so fight that hospital staff for not keeping their patient under control!


What a bitch! Op, your actions did not warrant this kind of response from anyone! An action performed out of love for another is a beautiful thing, so fight that hospital staff for not keeping their patient under control!

I read it as the other lady being not quite mentally sound - it doesn't warrant the behaviour but it is more sad for everyone involved. I don't think the hospital should blame OP though,

I forgot that the U.S pronounces Aunt differently to every rational country. Oh well, you win some and you lose some. I will take my downvotes graciously, as only a pun-maker can.

As far as pun-ishments go, downvotes are not that bad

Your pun does not go unappreciated. That was funny.

Another patient got jealous of you visiting your aunt, and the staff blames you for the chaos she created as a result... How exactly does this equate to you being at fault, again? Assuming that this other patient was merely your aunt's hospital room and not someone you actually knew, it cannot rightfully be blamed on you that she flipped out. It isn't your fault that her own family didn't happen to visit the same day you came to see your aunt. The hospital staff need to pull the sticks out of their asses.

A lot of hospital staff are complete trash, it's sad really.

mariri9206 32

"How exactly does this equate to you being at fault, again?" Because f logic, that's how. lol

I work in healthcare, myself, 44. And while I can't say I've worked in a hospital (at least not yet,) I have heard some pretty awful stories.

Well we might as well blame you for kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem...

I respect your courage fellow pun-maker. I tip my hat to you

It'd be best if you all said "uncle" and quit while you're ahead (or behind in this case).

Thanks, you two, you've been so "niece" to me! I think my pun has been downvoted because it relied on the American pronunciation of "aunt."

Actually through pun made more sense to me when I used the pronunciation that's less common within the US (awnt), because it sounds a bit like "aren't."

My mistake; I misread and thought this was regarding #2's pun.

Plot twist: The other patient was your mom.

I feel like there needs to be more to this story...

What else would there be to the story? The roommate didn't get a visitor and got upset. Story over.

#8, or, like what happens quite often actually, a crazy stranger overreacted to an event completely out of anyone else's control, and people (both patient and staff) took out their own anger and frustration on others. This is something that happens basically everyday in retail and customer service, not usually to this extent, this tantrum was very much over the top, but I have no doubt it happens in places like hospitals as well.

I'm a nurse and have witnessed many a patient meltdown. I have even been attacked. I have never held a visitor to another patient responsible. There has got to be more to this story.

I agree, as a nurse, there is no way a staff member would blame a visitor for a patient going off unless they were taunting the pt somehow, and I can't imagine that happening. I know there are some pretty horrible nurses out there, but there has to be more to the story.

Well, this pretty much explains why she has no visitors. The other patient sounds pretty unstable. She got jealous enough to throw things over something completely out of anyone's control, she could have hurt your aunt, and also the staff. I don't think she should be in a room with other patients, not only to avoid this incident again, but for their own safety. The staff blaming you is just ridiculous, call them out on it, how is it your fault the patient overreacted to something you can't control? Also, were you supposed to foresee her reaction, look into the future or something to avoid the situation? I hope your aunt gets her new room soon, hospital stays can already stressful enough, don't need to add more to it.