By nekal - 21/09/2016 16:50 - United States - Nashville

Today, I tried to sneakily leave my boyfriend's house at 3 a.m. without his parents knowing. I had a flat tire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 947
You deserved it 3 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why sneak out? Are you trying to hide something? (Start of every fight)

Just change the flat and leave. Every woman should be able to change a tire by herself. It's not hard to do, and it's a part of being self sufficient. My dad wouldn't let me get my license until I could change out my tire, change my own oil, and replace my own battery.


Why sneak out? Are you trying to hide something? (Start of every fight)

#1 I think she was trying to sneak out not because of her boyfriend but rather his parents did not know she was there

#1 I think she was sneaking out not because of her boyfriend but rather his parents not knowing she was there.

#5 Think you missed the point there buddy.

Why has 5 been downvoted? This seems like the obvious answer to me. She went to his house late at night while his parents were asleep and then snuck out a bit later on.

Unless I've missed some reference to something

Pretty sure 1 is making a joke that sneaking around and hiding things generally starts fights in relationships. It's pretty obvious that OP was trying to sneak away from the parents, since it says it right in the FML...

His parents probably let the air out of your tire. I'd guess it was his mom.

With so little info given, I had to guess at the details.

And it was with a switchblade. At approximately 11:56 pm. She was wearing a red coat and black pants.

Mf2307 15

maybe they didn't want him escaping lol

But wouldn't they have already seen your car anyway?

Maybe she came after they'd gone to sleep. Or maybe she parked further away.

Did you make it out successfully? Mission accomplished?

the irony that an uber ad popped up for this fml XD

Just change the flat and leave. Every woman should be able to change a tire by herself. It's not hard to do, and it's a part of being self sufficient. My dad wouldn't let me get my license until I could change out my tire, change my own oil, and replace my own battery.

Why every woman? Surely it's a good skill for everyone to have

Yes, absolutely everyone should! I only said woman because A) I am one and B) where I live I am surrounded by women who like to play the helpless card who have to have the "big strong man" do things for them. I generally just hate that as an excuse for a lack of self-sufficiency.

Why the hell should I be able to change my oil? The time for an oil change doesn't appear out of nowhere and normally it's done at a car repair shop, at least where I live.

Your right, it's not a necessity, but it does cost a lot less. Where I live an oil change will run you about $35-$45 dollars. I can do it myself for $20. Call me frugal, but to me it's worth the savings.

$20.00? That's cheap. Please tell me filters included...

In Ohio where I live, I can take my vehicle to the dealership and have it changed for under $20, with new filters. How or why does it cost so much?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

That's called a Mission Impossible Challenge.

clearly someone stole your car and purposely left it at his house to frame you :)

So, his parents didn't notice the car parked at they're house? Or let alone hear it pulling in?

She might have parked further away and walked to the house specifically because of that risk.

Or she could have been invited over, and the parents went to bed fully trusting she'd leave at a decent time?

Haha, something similar happened to me when I was 17 except I was trying to sneak down the stairs to leave and ended up falling down the entire flight, finally crashing into a table at the bottom and breaking his mothers favorite vase. Also needed 13 stitches. I'd take the flat tire over that shit any day!